Okaasan to Issho is a children's television program airing weekday mornings in Japan on NHK. The show consists of seasonal songs, animated shorts like Tomodachi Hachi Nin, and dances. The show is hosted by two singers and two dancers, currently Daisuke Yokoyama, Takumi Mitani, Yoshihisa Kobayashi and Risa Uehara. There are also three characters in full body costumes that meant to portray children of weather gods. One is named Raigo.
Spark works as a repaircar, but his dream is to become a racer. One day, he discovers a launcher and his dream becomes within reach. From then on, he starts training very hard and challenging all the tracks. Meanwhile, the conspiracy of the Rulers emerges. Finally, Spark realizes his dream and beats the Rulers, becoming a hero.
Tells about a future where drones are common. Drones have played an indispensable and important function in human life. One day, a large meteorite fell on earth, and scientists discovered that it had an infinite source of energy, the "Cosmo Stone", and applied it to a drone, what people call a "space drone."
One day, drone wars around the world broke out, and space drones were active as a weapon of war. As the damage spreads, world leaders proposed a ceasefire and sought to turn drones into symbols of peace, not weapons of war anymore. The result is the "Aerover Championship".
An interactive animation series in which Danny draws pictures and Daddy must guess what he is drawing. Viewers are encouraged to guess along with Daddy Danny is a boy who loves to paint. Daddy and the audience will try to guess what Danny has in mind as he draws.