Meet anxious Ed and his beloved brood. All eight eggs are blessed with incredible luck. Unfortunately, things are different for dad. Overprotective and perfectionist, Ed causes trouble and threats, never missing an opportunity to make things worse for himself. Happily, the babies always end up safe.
The series follows Yamuna, who is enrolling in a Tamil school despite her lack of knowledge in the language. She is mocked by Kumar for it, but later they become good friends. She struggles to juggle between learning in new environment while facing familial issues with her parents.
When Little Singham and the Bahubali Friends get wind that Mirchi Nagar is under attack by the demon Aparshatru and Pralay Astra, the spring into action to stop them.
Sonny Mendoza dreams of attending a prestigious college summer program. But when he doesn't get the scholarship money to go, he turns to his side passion for quick income: boxing.
There are 8.7 millions of animal species in the world. Cubs, through animation, tells the bedtime habits of some of the most loved and mysterious beings, letting children know that it's time to go to bed.