Takes place in an unnamed American metropolis of the 1960s, where a criminal gang led carries out various criminal acts, but is thwarted by police inspector Mask, using various disguises to track them and catch them.
Rose and her friends are studying and having adventures at the Royal Magic Academy of Funtasia, discovering their talents while the wizard of dark mirror and his minion are trying to steal the magic of Filly world.
...Not very long ago, in the top left-hand corner of Wales, there was a railway. It wasn't a very long railway or a very important railway, but it was called The Merioneth and Llantisilly Rail Traction Company Limited, and it was all there was. And in a shed, in a siding at the end of the railway, lives the Locomotive of the Merioneth and Llantisilly Rail Traction Company Limited, which was a long name for a little engine so his friends just called him Ivor..." ...And that was how it began, back in 1959: one of Oliver Postgate's most loved creations, Ivor the Engine. It was a series about the Welsh adventures of a little green railway engine and his many friends. But Ivor wasn't an ordinary steam engine. He pretty much wished he was a person and ended up doing things like singing in a choir and swimming in the sea! One season of six, 10 minute, Black and White films was made for and screened by Associated-Red.