The series focuses on core values established more than 30 years ago by Sanrio such as: happiness, family values, friendship, and educational values. Unlike the older series, which were short and cute episodes, this is an educational TV series that targets both the children and their parents. The animation works together with real actors in teaching children from age two to six about words, simple math, shapes, colors and foreign languages like Chinese & Japanese. The series offers an entertaining way for children to learn about social interaction and behavior while following the adventures of Hello Kitty. Hello Kitty establishes a new image, giving children more things to learn from, rather than just being sweet and cute.
Splish, splash and get ready for a bath-time adventure with Ellie, Frogy & Ducky – your new favourite bath toys! Join them as they float, play with tickly bubbles and invent new games with soap and shampoo bottles in the bathroom of fun!