Dinky Di's is an early 1990s animated cartoon with anthropomorphic animal heroes who fought to prevent environmental damage and rescue endangered animal and bird species from the satanic Mr. Mephisto. It was produced in Australia by Roo and created by Mel Bradford.
Known as the "Friends on freedom's frontier", the squad is well organised with a command center, computer network, and high-tech, amphibious vehicles. They are led by Aussie and Cass, and aided by characters from across the globe.
Mr. Mephisto, a shadowy figure with glowing red eyes, uses a gang of stereotypically maligned beasts to do his dirty work: Rancid Rat, Hugo Hyena, Ganny Iguana, and others. Mephisto's true identity, however, is a true mystery to the Dinky Di's, and one which, when solved, will be a major step towards slowing damage to the planet.
Like other ecologically-hinged shows of the period
Join Jon, Min, Miguel and their trusty dinos, as they explore the Island's dino filled jungle, active volcano, and the previously undiscovered world under the water.
Jason is a twelve-year-old with fantasies of becoming a hero just like those in the mythological battles of the Ancient World. He is in for a surprise as his dreams become a reality when he climbs to the top of Mount Olympus and fulfills an ancient prophecy, turning Jason into the “chosen one”. Jupiter, King of the Immortals, gives him the Belt of Orion which allows him to exist on Mount Olympus and gives him control of the universe. The evil Dracchus seeks the all-powerful amulet and it is up to Jason to keep the belt and save Mount Olympus!
A weekly children's series combining original songs and stories with classic nursery rhymes and fairy tales, using 3D computer animation and live characters. The series revolves around Pigasso, a pig, and Pookie, a wolf. Pigasso the pig and Pookie the wolf work and play in a curio shop in a children's series that mixes animation, live-action and puppetry.
In each visit Bella, and her mechanical friend, 'LIFT', take little ones on a journey to three surprise floors, each one revealing creative play ideas, such as arts and crafts, dancing and stories all connected by a simple theme woven throughout each episode.