La Comay is a Puerto Rican gossip show broadcast on TeleOnce. The show, originally premiered on WAPA-TV as SuperXclusivo on January 24, 2000. It is hosted by puppet gossiper La Comay — The Gossiper, created, voiced and puppeteered by Kobbo Santarrosa.
The Rachel Maddow Show is a daily news and opinion television program that airs on MSNBC, running in the 9:00 pm ET timeslot. It is hosted by Rachel Maddow, who gained popularity with her frequent appearances as a liberal pundit on various MSNBC programs. It is based on her former radio show of the same name. The show debuted on September 8, 2008.
Scoop is a comprehensive information programme of Television Broadcasts Limited.
The content of the program is mainly based on entertainment news and personal follow-up of the artists, and will also be interspersed with the latest trends of TVB dramas and artists. Some entertainment news content clips will be rebroadcast on the next day's "Entertainment Live".
This program will be broadcast on Jade Channel from 19:30-20:00 (Hong Kong time) from June 6, 2005, and will be broadcast every day from March 3, 2019, and will be broadcast on myTV (later myTV SUPER) to provide "Program Review".
Chris Hayes delivers the biggest news and political stories of the day with a commitment to in-depth reporting that consistently seeks to hold the nation's leaders accountable for their actions. Drawing from his background as a reporter, Hayes at times reports directly from the scene of a news event as it occurs to provide a firsthand account, digging deep and speaking with people who represent different points of view. Hayes brings the nation's officials, legislators, policymakers, and local activists to the table to address key issues affecting communities across America.
Mystery, indecipherable enigmas, paranormal experiences ... All this is what you will be able to find in 'Milenio Live', the new format of Iker Jiménez and Carmen Porter, who will be the guides in this journey into the world of the unknown and inexplicable, This is your channel. Do you dare to live it?
The Gadget Show is a British television series which focuses on consumer technology. The show, which is broadcast on Channel 5 is currently presented by Jason Bradbury and Rachel Riley with Jon Bentley and Pollyanna Woodward.
Originally a thirty-minute show, it was extended to forty-five minutes, then later to sixty minutes. Repeats have also aired on the digital channel 5*, syndicated broadcasts on Discovery Science and Dave, and Channel 5's Internet on-demand service Demand 5. In Australia, it is aired on The Lifestyle Channel.
The zone interdite refers to two distinct territories established in German-occupied France during the Second World War after the signature of the Second Armistice at Compiègne.
Food Detectives was a food science show hosted by Ted Allen that aired in North America on Food Network. Ted Allen, backed by research conducted by Popular Science magazine, investigates food-related beliefs, such as the validity of the five-second rule or the effectiveness of ginger to relieve motion sickness. In addition to support from scientists such as molecular biologist Dr. Adam Ruben and Popular Science staff members, Allen is assisted on-screen by a group of so-called "Food Techs," often-silent assistants who are the participants in simple experiments exploring food-related myths, beliefs, practices, and folkways.