The Mask Singer is a Thai singing competition program presented by Kan Kantathavorn. The contestants are broken up into four groups, each group containing 8 masked celebrities. Each episode consists of two pairs of battling contestants, up until the final for each group, where the contestants perform a duet before battling it out. The winner reveals their identity in the last episode of each season.
Beadle's About was a British television programme hosted by Jeremy Beadle, where members of the public became victims of practical jokes behind hidden cameras. It was produced by LWT for ITV and ran on Saturday nights from 22 November 1986 to 14 September 1996.
Holiday cookies are more than mere sweets: they are gifts, mementos of childhood, and most certainly made with pride. In this Christmas Cookie Challenge hosted by Jonathan Bennett, five confident and daring bakers compete to prove their holiday cookie-making skills. Tough-love judges Duff Goldman, Damaris Phillips, and Sherry Yard are on hand to crown the holiday cookie master, who will go home with a $10,000 prize!
It follows a crew of dancers on their journey to the cities of New York and Los Angeles. The dancers will be gathering American crowds to come and see their on-the-spot busking performances, all the while enjoying their time traveling together.
Couples looking for more spice in the bedroom hire luxury interior designer Melanie Rose to create stylish spaces where they can carry out any fantasy they wish.
The programme follows petrol head friends, Will Trickett and GT Porsche photographer, Gus Gregory, as they fix and 'flip' neglected old cars for a profit. Having ditched their day jobs to trade in the cars that people avoid, they're risking it all as any losses will come out of their own pockets. To cover any overheads, they must double their return on every pound invested in the vehicles they buy.
"Ice Hockey Hero" is a Chinese reality show co-produced by Zhejiang Television and the Winter Sports Management Center of the General Administration of Sport of China. The show features Jackson Yee as the team manager and Lei Jiayin as the head coach, leading a team of 14 young ice hockey players from across China. Through 60 days of training and living together, the show aims to help these aspiring athletes develop their skills and teamwork, ultimately encouraging a wider passion for winter sports. "Ice Hockey Hero" premiered on Zhejiang Television on January 12, 2019, airing every Saturday at 8:30 PM.
Former MLB player Alex Rodriguez mentors former pro athletes and entertainers find themselves in serious financial distress and need help getting back on their feet.
Paranormal State is an American paranormal reality television series that premiered on the A&E Network on December 10, 2007. The program follows and stars the Pennsylvania State University Paranormal Research Society, a student-led college club. The show features the group's investigations of alleged paranormal phenomena at reportedly haunted locations.