"Ice Hockey Hero" is a Chinese reality show co-produced by Zhejiang Television and the Winter Sports Management Center of the General Administration of Sport of China. The show features Jackson Yee as the team manager and Lei Jiayin as the head coach, leading a team of 14 young ice hockey players from across China. Through 60 days of training and living together, the show aims to help these aspiring athletes develop their skills and teamwork, ultimately encouraging a wider passion for winter sports. "Ice Hockey Hero" premiered on Zhejiang Television on January 12, 2019, airing every Saturday at 8:30 PM.
Ten regular guys who have "lost their magic" are put through the paces of a Magic Mike Live bootcamp, baring their souls — and more — as they learn to perform sexy and daring dance routines with one being crowned the real Magic Mike. The winner will pocket a cash prize.
Good Girl will feature some of the best female hip hop and R&B artists around the country, including underground rappers, current idols, and popular artists. These artists will be put on a team together and will complete quests in order to win a prize.
Five Kiwi teams of two gamble with the most important possession in their lives: their home. Each week one team hands over the keys to their home to host Duncan Heyde, to be renovated by their rival teams in just five and half days.
The world's first ever pan-regional edition of the global hit "Got Talent" format. Billed as the biggest talent competition in the world, this reality competition features some of the region's most incredible performing artists as they compete to take home the coveted winning title.
Fancy swapping the hustle and bustle of city life for an idyllic rural retreat? The team help a host of well-known faces find their dream homes in the glorious British countryside.
Potential candidates participate in a speed dating, where they are evaluated by experts who will pair them up.
Alone, they travel to a paradisiacal island where, at the altar, they will meet and marry their match.
After a dream wedding, each couple is taken to a desert island where they will have to fight for their relationship... and survival.
An exclusive insight into the work and recruitment of the special units of the Belgian Federal Police. Through testimonies and reconstructions, 'Under the Radar' also takes a closer look at a number of striking operations from the past.
One unsuspecting London high school is presented with the challenge of a lifetime: to audition, rehearse and perform a West End worthy performance of 'Hairspray' in one summer holiday.
Rugged mountains rising to 4.000 meters, dense conifer forests, glaciers, lakes and rivers… When it comes to nature, Montana is definitely one of the wildest American states. Yet, some people know the area better than anyone. Hunters, trappers or ranchers, they live where none of us could even imagine spending one day. Each episode of "Montana Wild" will bring you to the daily life of rural, funny and atypical characters. All of them were born and raised at the heart of the state and developed a kind of symbiotic link to the environment.
A documentary series that explores the furthest reaches of the internet and the people who frequent it, Dark Net provides a revealing and cautionary look inside a vast cyber netherworld rarely witnessed by most of us. Provocative, thought-provoking and frequently profound, each episode illuminates an exciting, ever-expanding frontier where people can do anything and see anything, whether they should or not.