The animated misadventures of Lynn Johnston's acclaimed comic strip family. In 2000, Funbag Animation, based in Ottawa, created an animated "For Better or for Worse" series for Teletoon, which aired from November 5, 2000, to December 16, 2001. The show, introduced by Lynn Johnston, explored three storylines from different periods of the comic strip: the mid-1980s, early 1990s, and late 1990s.
Enter the world of these six friends and follow them as the nightlife in which they live unfolds before you with no secrets left untold. Follow their friendships, loves, and moments of craziness. Barmaid, is more than a job, it’s a way of life!
Scary pranks, inspired by popular science-fiction and horror movies, are played on unsuspecting individuals and are captured on hidden cameras turning them into the main characters of their very own horror movies
A team of girls and a team of boys will battle it out in a series of stunning physical and mental challenges to determine which gender has the upper hand, while romantic dates will test their loyalties to the limit.
Famous couples, aided by life coaches and relationship experts, are ready to open up and have honest, candid conversations about the challenges of intimacy, romance and commitment.
Candidates who are criminals of the kitchen on the Norbert show, are of all kinds, mothers of families, single fathers, grandmothers or young who have been cooking for years. But their families and friends no longer support their dishes that are too fat, too heavy and often missed. Relatives dare not confess to "criminals" how bad their cooking is. This is the reason why they "complain" to Norbert Tarayre . Norbert is therefore assigned (like a lawyer), to put these "criminals" in the right way.
Popular reality fare about overweight people competing to drop pounds. Divided initially into teams, the contestants are aided (and bullied) by trainers and must participate in physical reward challenges. At the end of each episode, there's a weigh-in that helps determine who is sent packing.