Prank Patrol is a children's television series currently airing on YTV. Each week, Andy and a team of "ninjas" help kids pull off pranks on an unsuspecting victim. With the help of experts, pranksters convince victims of big-time pranks like incredible super powers, alien landings, or an intelligent gorilla.
Three girls fed up with lying hotties are looking for guys with serious intentions. On a paradise island, they will live with 11 “nice guys” who truly believe in love and 11 “Fboys” who are looking for fun and money. Will they discover who’s who?
The Lost City of Atlantis has fascinated philosophers and historians for nearly 2,400 years and is known as one of the most extraordinary mysteries of the world. With a new trail of evidence, expert Stel Pavlou and volcanologist Jess Phoenix set out on a quest to solve the greatest archaeological mystery of all time – the rediscovery of Atlantis.
After spending decades apart, the roommates featured in The Real World reconnect to find out how the series transformed their lives since the cameras stopped rolling, and they’ll discover, once again, what happens when people stop being polite… and start getting real.
Glo Hampton, who wants to take her students and prestigious dance school Studio Bleu to the next level – competing nationally every week. But the road to glory won’t be an easy one. Coach Glo must juggle her tiny but mighty dancers, their scheming moms, and ensuing meltdowns, all while ruling with a tender but tough iron fist. Will Glo and her dance team persevere amidst the dramatics?
Jamie Oliver travels the Med in search of deliciously traditional and vibrantly innovative ways of cooking, from fresh flavours to brilliant simplicity, bringing us a taste of holiday at home.
Each week on Bam's Bad Ass Game Show, competitors vie for $10,000 by facing off against each other in incredibly demented, potentially dangerous and occasionally painful challenges.
Documentary series looking at the stories behind Britain's traditional markets and auctions that are at the heart of the country's rural and coastal economies