4th and Long is a reality television series hosted by Michael Irvin that premiered on Spike on May 18, 2009. The winner of the show earned a spot at the Dallas Cowboys training camp - with a shot of making the roster. The show pits six wide receivers against six defensive backs. The show was filmed at the Cotton Bowl, with Joe Avezzano as the coach for the receivers and Bill Bates as the coach for the backs.
The athletes have varying backgrounds, including national champions, CFL players, arena league veterans, semi-pro players, and those who have tried to make NFL rosters.
Coming from a humble beginning, Host Elijah James Williams takes the time to cut hair and provide therapy to those who sit in his barber chair. He has seen all walks of life and has had the pleasure of speaking to many people. You never know who is going to sit in his chair but we know that everyone has a story, and he pulls it out. He is too short for a long conversation, so he gets right to it.
“Where Are You Going, DdaengChul?” (땡철이 어디가) is a new travel variety show starring Super Junior’s Kim Heechul and comedians Kim Young Cheol and Noh Hong Chul. The three “Chul” brothers will be staying at guest houses in Korea and seeing all the local attractions, food, and scenery the destinations have to offer.
Meet husband and wife, David and Karin Holder, and their sons, Warren and Easton ? an American family that has used hunting as a platform to teach ethics and values to their family. The Holders share their North American hunting experience and use real adventures from their journeys.
Bobby Flay and his daughter, Sophie, take an incredible food tour across the California coastline. They’re “on a mission to visit amazing restaurants and inspired chefs and enjoy the delectable and inventive cuisine created from the best the area has to offer.
Chefs vs. City is an American television show produced by Food Network. The show stars chefs Aarón Sanchez and Chris Cosentino who travel to different cities of the United States to challenge two local chefs to a variety of food-related challenges. Also starring is actor Ethan Erickson as the show's host. The show first aired on August 7, 2009.
Demi Lovato brings viewers on a road trip alongside friends, family and leading alien experts in search of definitive answers to some of the biggest questions about extraterrestrial life.
Can you find the perfect match by only meeting their parents? Meet the Parents is brand new dating show for ITV. Single guys and girls are paired up with the help of the people who know them best - their parents. From love lives and ex'es to school reports and awkward teenage antics, nothing is off limits. Presented by Holly Willoughby, Meet the Parents is dating like you've never seen it before!
The unforgettable and inspiring surprise reunions of soldiers from all five branches of the military with their spouses, children, parents and other loved ones as they return home from active duty throughout the world.
Adventurous chef, entrepreneur and global trailblazer Kristen Kish travels the world in search of the people, places, culture and traditions behind the world’s most remote restaurants.