Two-A-Days is a show on the United States cable television channel MTV. The show chronicled the lives of teens at Hoover High School in Hoover, Alabama, a suburb of nearby Birmingham. It focused on the members of the school's highly-rated Hoover Buccaneers football team during the football season, while they balanced athletics with school and relationships.
The show premiered on August 23, 2006, at 10:30 P.M. EDT and subsequently was broadcast weekly on Wednesdays at the same time. The show began on MTV Canada on September 7, 2006, at 10 P.M. EDT. Repeat episodes of the show are also shown on CMT, MTV's sister channel, at various times.
In Hoover, the show's premiere episode was shown to the cast, their families and supporters at a local theater; the event was staged as a movie premiere, with the traditional red carpet replaced by a carpet of artificial turf, complete with stripes as would be found on a football field. The second season began on Tuesday, January 30, 2007.
The inaugural edition of The Black Academy’s award show, The Legacy Awards, is the first major Canadian award show to celebrate and showcase Black talent and will be broadcast from Live Nation Canada’s newest entertainment venue HISTORY, in Toronto’s east end.
American Guns is a reality television series that aired on the Discovery Channel. The series centers on the blended family where patriarch Rich Wyatt, his wife and his children run Gunsmoke Guns, located in Wheat Ridge, Colorado;. They specialize in gun manufacture, trade, customization, and instruction.
On December 17, 2012, Discovery announced the cancellation of the series.
The Game is a platinum-selling rap artist, record producer, entrepreneur, and actor. But Jayceon is the family man. Already juggling the demands of family life and a he's helping plan his own wedding.
The Force: Behind the Line is an Australian documentary television series about the Western Australia Police, hosted by Simon Reeve and aired nationally on the Seven Network from 22 August 2006. Similarly to Border Security: Australia's Front Line and the American Cops series, each episode intermixes three or four investigations per episode.
Mary shares her favourite Easter recipes, such as hot cross buns, simnel cake and roast lamb, and takes a look at how Christian communities all over the world celebrate Easter with special food.
Couples who have been virtually dating for some time - and believe they may have found lasting love - meet face-to-face for the first time and share a house together for three weeks to see if their internet love can survive in real life.
Life of Ryan is an American Reality television series on MTV. The series debuted on August 27, 2007 with the second season premiering on January 8, 2008. The series follows the day-to-day life of professional skateboarder Ryan Sheckler as he mangages his personal life and his career. Most episodes take place at Sheckler's home in San Clemente, California. His friends, along with fellow professional skateboarders make various appearances in the series.