Four Rooms is a British television series that began airing on Channel 4 on 24 May 2011. The show, which is currently hosted by Anita Rani sees members of the public attempt to sell their valuable and collectible items in exchange for a cash offer from one of the four dealers.
Six participants go undercover in crucial areas along I-65 – one of the biggest drug trafficking corridors in the country, encompassing six counties in Kentucky and Indiana – for a first-hand look into how drug cartels have infiltrated America’s Heartland.
Chef Ainsley Harriott is on a mission to produce maximum flavours in minimum time. Taking inspiration from around the world, he explains how to make wonderful food as quickly as possible.
A ten-part documentary series, Inside Central Station: Australia’s Busiest Railway blends unscripted high-stakes drama with extraordinary engineering marvels, introduces us to memorable diverse characters who are passionate about their jobs, shares quirky moments and brings a strong sense of Australian history.
Four dynamic women embark on the journey of a lifetime as they transform into men to experience life from the opposite side. With the help of a special effects make-up team and skilled voice and movement coaches, each woman develops her own alter ego and spends two days living in a man’s world.
I Like The Way U Move is a dating show like no other, as it will give contestants the chance to find love through dance! Instead of sitting down over dinner or retreating to a villa, people will attempt to find romance through dancing. The series will see world-renowned choreographer Kaelynn ‘KK’ Harris as the resident dance expert helping contestants to perfect their dance moves, and she'll be joined by guest judges along the way.
Drag Academy shows the growth of a drag queen, and the ways that a person can choose within that career. The possibilities of building a character, developing a style, balancing their strengths and weaknesses, and pushing participants to the ends of their talents.
It’s a show-within-a-show starring real-life mom video bloggers Judi Diamond and Kate Frisina, from St. Louis. Go inside their world (which might look a lot like your world!) for their unique take on motherhood. And boy, do they have a lot to say!