Who Wants To Marry My Dad was a NBC-produced reality show that aired in the summer of 2003 and 2004. The point of the show was to have the children pick out a new bride for their father to propose to and marry. The show was a modest hit in ratings and returned for season two in 2004. The show was cancelled soon after ratings decreased compared to season one.
Heidi Mueller, one of the daughters in season one, joined Passions after Who Wants to Marry My Dad?'s first season ended.
Investigators of the strange, John E.L. Tenney and Chad Lindberg, explore the world's most allegedly haunted locations in search of the truth regarding the nature of existence and if there are worlds beyond our reality.
The Sharma family put themselves in the historical hot seat. They relive 50 years of British Asian history, all told through the story of one vibrant, ever-changing city.
Originally from the Netherlands, Let Love Rule now has a Portuguese version. Each week, four new stories are shown, lived by different protagonists that we meet every Sunday. At the end of four days, a meeting dictates the participants' continuation as a couple - outside the experience - or their separation. In a ceremony, led by Maria Cerqueira Gomes and Pedro Teixeira, the couples evaluate their experience. Mafalda de Castro presents the diaries of this format, which is premised on helping singles find love.
Did the Maya Empire relocate to America? How did Merriweather Lewis really die? Where did the Ark of the Covenant end up after being smuggled out of Jerusalem? Explorers Justin Fornal and Emiliano Ruprah use historical maps as well as modern imaging techniques to examine these and other mysteries.
Twelve remarkable Canadian kids showcase their smarts through exciting challenges across six categories: physical, musical, social, linguistic, logical, and visual smarts.
The Inspectors follows public health inspectors on the front line of filth, pollution and illegal operation. It’s their mission to keep us safe as they strive to protect us and our environment; preventing the spread of lethal contaminants, deadly disease, dangerous pests and unlawful activity. There’s never a dull moment on the job as we capture the frustrations, confrontations and victories of our inspectors who take us everywhere; from rat-infested restaurants to maggot-ridden homes, out-of-control bars, contaminated creeks and even through city sewers – all for the sake of protecting public health!
Four diehard fishermen are determined to be the first to fish the most remote waters left on earth. Along the way, they will battle the elements, dodge drug cartels and endure hell, as they risk their lives in an attempt to live their dream.
Fame Academy was a German reality television program and casting show launched on RTL II in 2003 under the same format of the international TV franchise Star Academy. It differed from other casting shows in that the candidates were housed in a boarding school where they lived and played music together.
Renowned designer Hilary Farr is challenged by families whose dysfunctional houses are putting a strain on their relationships. Hilary uses creative design solutions with a dash of tough love to renovate their spaces and get these families back on track.