Addicted, which is officially trademarked as addicted, is an American reality television series that follows the lives of individuals who are struggling with addiction as they work with interventionist Kristina Wandzilak. The series premiered on TLC on March 17, 2010. Addicted returned with a second season on August 28, 2012 on Discovery Fit & Health, and have also aired on TLC.
Jamie Oliver celebrates Christmas 2022 with some deliciously easy dishes to see us all through the festive season, from party menus to the main event of Christmas dinner itself.
Where are they now? The jock, the cheerleader, the partier, the bully, the nerd and other classmates all reunite more than twenty years later in a two-week Hawaiian get-away to rekindle past relationships, rivalries and romances.
Lagao Boli is an engaging live show hosted by popular actress Anita Hassanandani, comedian Paritosh Tripathi, and Dheeraj Juneja. The show allows viewers to bid for prizes via a 24/7 app bidding platform. The lowest unique bid wins the prize. So get ready to watch this exciting game show on ZEE5.
Janey Godley and daughter Ashley Storrie work on a farm, construction site, in an airport and at a factory, to prove they have what it takes to cut it outside the world of comedy.