Four Rooms is a British television series that began airing on Channel 4 on 24 May 2011. The show, which is currently hosted by Anita Rani sees members of the public attempt to sell their valuable and collectible items in exchange for a cash offer from one of the four dealers.
The Fabulous Beekman Boys is a reality television show produced in the United States by World of Wonder Productions. The series follows Josh Kilmer-Purcell and his husband Brent Ridge as they learn how to become farmers and launch their lifestyle brand, Beekman 1802. Brent, a physician who previously worked for Martha Stewart Omnimedia, lives at the farm full-time, while Josh, a New York Times bestselling author, commutes from their apartment in New York City on the weekends.
Think you have what it takes to travel the world and beat the biggest names in poker for $1,000,000 on TV? Shark Cage is your shot at making it happen!
Shining a light on the world of the urban theater and revealing the show behind the show, producer and director JD Lawrence mounts his new production of the stage play Your Husband Is Cheating On Us, implementing unorthodox creative methods with his cast.
Mykel and Ruth Hawke, the reigning king and queen of survival, put their skills and relationship to the ultimate test as they are dumped blindly into the wilderness, with minimal supplies and precious few clues as to where they actually are.
Why do mosquitoes bite some people more than others? What happens to the body in the face of extreme cold? What lowers body heat more, a cold drink or a hot one? To answer these questions, Adal Ramones will guide us on a scientific adventure full of fun experiments in which five volunteers will participate as daring field researchers willing to do anything.