Built is an American reality television series on the Style Network that premiered on January 28, 2013. Built follows a Manhattan-based home decor and construction company that is staffed with all male models who also have experience as being handymen.
They spend money, a lot of money! It is expensive to live the perfect life, and have the perfect appearance. They shop for expensive clothes, bags, shoes, jewelry, makeup, beauty treatments and experiences in one go. It's all about the next purchase and the right image. But who are the girls really, and why does the recognition of the outside world fill so much for them?
Hollywood's Talking is a short lived American game show based the 60s quizzer, Everybody's Talking, and produced by Jack Barry. It ran on CBS for three months in 1973, debuting on March 26 and ending on June 22 to make room for a new version of Match Game.
It was hosted by Geoff Edwards, with Johnny Jacobs announcing. The series was the first national game show hosted by the 42-year-old Edwards, who would become notable for his next two hosting jobs, The New Treasure Hunt and Jackpot!.
The program aired at 3:30 p.m./2:30 Central time, opposite ABC's One Life to Live and NBC's Return to Peyton Place.
Edwards once said that while hosting this series, he had a tenuous working relationship with Jack Barry. It was not until 1980 that Edwards would host another Barry & Enright game, Play the Percentages.
Makeup contest series presented by the dazzling Pilar Rubio. Eight contestants compete armed with gloss, shadows and blush, judged by MUA David Molina and designer and influencer Camila Redondo.
Hosted by Ymke Wieringa, this series combines hard data and scientific observations with some of the most outrageous, hilarious and spectacularly painful bloopers ever recorded on video.
My Dream Derelict Home In The Sun features property expert Scarlette Douglas, as she follows the bravest Brits as they sink their savings into derelict properties in some of the most beautiful parts of France and Spain to transform them into dream homes.
YouTube Originals documentary on the making of "Get To The Punchline", the first film written and directed by Non (formerly, Nounen Rena). It covers the pre-production, 13-day shoot, and post-production of the film showing the wildly creative but inexperienced film-maker's struggles to make her first film.