Set in Atlanta, this reality docudrama stars Tameka "Tiny" Cottle and Antonia "Toya" Carter, best friends whose lives have become intertwined by their connections within the hip-hop industry. Tameka is a former member of the group Xscape and her fiance is hip-hop star T.I., while Antonia is the ex-wife of rapper Lil' Wayne, with whom she had a daughter, Reginae, when she was 15. Cameras follow the pair as they seek new business ventures together, lean on each other for advice and comfort, and ultimately try to carve out their own niche away from the crazy world they've grown up in.
With each episode centering on themes from pool parties to mother-daughter relationships to cocktails, Tori Spelling shares advice on cooking, baking, and entertaining as she's joined by family, celebrities and expert chefs to explore family traditions, travel, birthdays and holiday festivities.
Following six homeowners who have taken on the task of a lifetime: to reclaim and transform their derelict properties on the verge of ruin into comfortable modern homes, fit for the 21st century.
Inside a wax museum that contains statues of historical figures, we find a statue of Al-Dahih, but after the sun sets, something suspicious is happening, as the statues come to life and history repeats itself.
After two seasons with "På Hjul med Dag Otto", Kristian Ødegård and Dag-Otto Lauritzen has decided to leave the bikes at home and go on without them. The two have been everywhere together with famous guests. They have defied fear and done things they never would have dreamed of. Throughout the series Dag Otto will be pushing his own and Kristians boundaries, sometimes over. We can expect both great heights, sea sickness, fear and laughing from the duo.
Homeowners offer an intimate look at the original features and modern renovations that make their old homes unique. They also share their passion for understanding and preserving their properties’ distinct histories.
Historic house experts Ethan and Elizabeth Finkelstein help homebuyers find old properties being sold at ridiculously inexpensive prices and restore these architectural gems to new glory.