Psychic Kids: Children of the Paranormal is a paranormal television series broadcast on the A&E television network. Hosted by Chip Coffey, an American psychic investigator, with Edy Nathan, Chris Fleming, and Kim Russo, the show brings together children who report having psychic abilities with adult psychic/mediums, with the stated purpose of "show[ing] them how to harness their abilities and, ultimately, [showing] them that they're not alone in this world". The series debuted in summer 2008 with a premiere episode entitled "Fear Management." Later episodes feature content in correlation with another A&E paranormal series Coffey has appeared on, Paranormal State, with Ryan Buell. The show has been renewed twice, with its second season premiering on December 15, 2009, and the third season premiering on October 17, 2010, both on A&E.
A&E aired an episode of Biographies called "Psychic Children" about children and young people with the same alleged abilities described in the show.
Psychic Kids has been criticized fo
Broadway Open House, is network television's first late-night comedy-variety series. It was telecast live on NBC from May 29, 1950 to August 24, 1951, airing weeknights from 11pm to midnight. One of the pioneering TV creations of NBC president Pat Weaver, it demonstrated the potential for late-night programming and led to the later development of The Tonight Show.
This docuseries chronicles the lives of four couples during trying times in their marriages. In each of these marriages, the wives have recently found out that their husbands have been keeping a secret for years about wanting to become a woman.