Pyramid is an American television game show that has aired several versions. The original series, The $10,000 Pyramid, debuted March 26, 1973, and spawned seven subsequent Pyramid series. The game featured two contestants, each paired with a celebrity. Players attempt to guess a series of words or phrases based on descriptions given to them by their teammates. The title refers to the show's pyramid-shaped gameboard, featuring six categories arranged in a triangular fashion. The various Pyramid series won a total of nine Daytime Emmys for Outstanding Game Show, second only to Jeopardy!, which has won thirteen.
Dick Clark is the host most commonly associated with the show, having hosted every incarnation from 1973–88, save for a 1974–79 syndicated version, The $25,000 Pyramid, hosted by Bill Cullen. John Davidson hosted a 1991-92 version of The $100,000 Pyramid, and another version, simply titled Pyramid, ran from 2002–04 with Donny Osmond as host.
A new version titled The Pyramid premiered Septem
Girls' Generation Goes to School is a South Korean reality show starring the popular South Korean girl group Girls' Generation. The show documents the debut of the nine members of Girls' Generation and their associated troubles and ventures. Most of the episodes revolve around the group's unofficial debut and first public performances through the show, School of Rock
The show is divided into several segments, each one offering contestants prizes in return for achieving a set of challenges or game tasks given by the host. The prizes offered range from cars and motorcycles to gold, cash, vacation packages and household items. The show is funded by sponsors, advertisers and commercial brands
Nadiya Hussain shares her love of baking with some of her favourite recipes. From everyday treats to indulgent desserts, these are guaranteed to bring a little joy into your life.
In Buckhead, Georgia (a.k.a. the Beverly Hills of the South), longtime friends enjoy a lakeside summer vacation filled with fun days, wild nights and high-drama hookups.
Ken Block's Gymkhana: the viral video series that changed automotive filmmaking forever, with well over 550 MILLION views for the series to date. It's also a big part of where Mr. Block gets his title from - HHIC, aka Head Hoonigan In Charge. What started as a simple way for KB to hone his rally driving skills, has morphed into these ten main videos.
People's relationships with their personal belongings are exposed as they forego everything they own - clothing, furniture, money and all coveted possessions - for 21 days.
Explores the groundbreaking work of dedicated fishers, aqua farmers, and scientists who are attempting what was once thought impossible: harvesting aquatic species to feed our growing planet while saving our oceans.
'Live from House of Refuge' is a religious program that occurs every other Tuesday at the House of Refuge in Brenton, West Virginia at 7:00 PM Eastern. Featuring music from Restore The Broken, Tad Damron, and more!