In this unscripted drama, a teenager named Ben learns to live with his dad becoming a woman. The series will follow Ben, his family and his friends as they support one another through this unexpected journey and navigate their new world with Charlie now living as Carly. The show is a generational story of a loving family and circle of friends supporting one another through this unfamiliar situation.
The Juno Awards, more popularly known as the JUNOS, are awards presented annually to Canadian musical artists and bands to acknowledge their artistic and technical achievements in all aspects of music. New members of the Canadian Music Hall of Fame are also inducted as part of the awards ceremonies.
Car fanatic Nate Boyer will customize anything that moves. As the owner of Kultured Customs, a thriving hot rod shop, Nate is always looking for the next big project. Now, he is taking his biggest gamble yet and opening “The Doghouse.”
Los Premios MTV Latinoamérica was the Latin American version of the Video Music Awards. They were established in 2002 to celebrate the top music videos of the year in Latin America and the world. They are presented annually and broadcast live on MTV Networks Latin America. In 2010, the awards were cancelled replaced by the MTV World Stage Mexico.
Veteran producers scout for talented individuals who are made to live under the same roof as they undergo various challenges to showcase their creativity and gain popularity among viewers.
Two-part special celebrating 15 years of the Swedish reality show Bonde söker fru. Presented by Linda Lindorff and featuring interviews with former participants from the show.
One of the most exciting and iconic sports entertainment gameshows in the world, Gladiators, is making a triumphant return to Australian screens. A new tribe of 21st century superhumans – the Gladiators – will wrestle, rumble, and battle brave Aussie Contenders from all walks of life, in the ultimate test of speed, strength, stamina, agility and power.
In the new ProSieben show, ten drag queens from Germany , Austria and Switzerland are moving into a luxury villa in Los Angeles and are staging a variety show week after week in which they present themselves in all their facets: sometimes ladylike, sometimes something cheeky, sometimes touching. ProSieben accompanies the ten ladies on their way and gives viewers a look behind the scenes of the drag world: Who are the personalities behind the pompous costumes? What characterizes a "Queen of Drags"? How do the men turn into extroverted glamor ladies who take their breath away from the studio audience with their versatile talents? And how do they live together in their villa?