This real-life series follows the residents of an average suburban community in Ohio where the couples maintain a not-so-average way of life. Neighbors are often more than just friends in this seemingly ordinary neighborhood that has become home to the controversial, yet surprisingly common "swinger" lifestyle.
UFC 200 Greatest Fighters of All Time is a six-part series counting down the best athletes to ever step foot in the UFC Octagon. See the iconic performances and fascinating backstories that elevated champions, contenders and trailblazers into legends of the sport.
Featuring home videos with an edgier twist. A show where the hits are a little harder, the language a bit saltier, the animals a little less cute, the kids a tad less adorable and the embarrassing moments more revealing.
Extreme A&E is a British medical documentary set in various trauma centres across the world. It follows Kevin Fong as he visits world renowned trauma centres. It aims to show trauma medicine through the eyes of a doctor.
Follow actor and writer Mark McKinney as he embarks on an epic quest to answer perhaps the most pressing question of our age – who are we when we’re not working? Mark travels throughout North America to meet the world’s most audacious hobbyists, and the communities of like-minded obsessives who nurture them, all to find that one, true, perfect hobby he can claim as his own.
Chef Ainsley Harriott is back on our screens to delight us with the family favourites we've forgotten mean so much. Anchored by Ainsley in the studio, the series features breakfast, lunch and dinner suggestions, as well as snacks and sweet treats. It could be a dish we don't see much of anymore, or one that is frequently on dining tables up and down the land: it's just waiting for the Ainsley twist! Additionally, Ainsley will reach out to his top chef mates across the country, who will be creating delicious meals in their own kitchens. Plus, Ainsley is joined by guests who will reminisce about their favourite meals and foodie treats, talk about what food means to them, and share a recipe that Ainsley will cook in the studio with them.
Ten celebrities are about to leave their 21st century lives and everything they know behind to become time travellers. Our ten intrepid travellers will crash into six very different eras of British history and have no idea where – or when – they're going. They will spend a day immersed in each era, living, working, dressing and eating as the ‘lower' classes did whilst attempting to follow orders and fulfil a task set by their superiors. Will they be able to survive history and will they be able to leave their smartphones behind?
Conspiracy theories have been around for many years, but they have a lot in common. The people who believe in it often distrust the plans of the elite, government, scientists and media. This mistrust has reached new heights during the corona crisis. That is why Filemon Wesselink decides in the program Philemon and the Conspiracies to look for the person behind the conspiracy thinker.