SuperTed is a Welsh fictional anthropomorphic bear character created by Mike Young. Originally created by Young as a series of stories to help his son overcome his fear of the dark, SuperTed became a popular series of books and led to an animated series produced from 1982 to 1986.
Howard Silk is a lowly cog in a bureaucratic UN agency who is turning the last corner of a life filled with regret when he discovers the agency he works for is guarding a secret: a crossing to a parallel dimension.
Young computer engineer Lily Chan investigates the secretive development division of her employer, a cutting-edge tech company based in San Francisco, which she believes is behind the murder of her boyfriend.
Ghostwriter is an American television program created by Liz Nealon and produced by the Children's Television Workshop and BBC One. It began airing on PBS on October 4, 1992, and the final episode aired on February 13, 1995. The series revolves around a close knit circle of friends from Brooklyn who solve neighborhood crimes and mysteries as a team of young detectives with the help of an invisible ghost named Ghostwriter. Ghostwriter can communicate with the kids only by manipulating whatever text and letters he can find and using them to form words and sentences. The series was filmed on location in Fort Greene, Brooklyn.
Ai, a young girl with shut-in tendencies, who tries not to interact with others. She keeps one of her eyes hidden behind her hair. One day, she happens to stop by a deserted arcade, where she meets "Aka." Spinning the gacha at their urging, she acquires a "Wonder Egg," and from that moment, her fate begins to change...
In the final days of the One Year War, a Zeon special forces group infiltrates a colony to gather information on a new Gundam unit. Alfred Izuruha, a 10-year-old student, befriends Zeon rookie pilot Bernie Wiseman during a brief mobile suit combat. Meanwhile, Al meets up with Christina MacKenzie, his former neighbor and babysitter. Little does he know that not only is Christina a member of the Earth Federation, she's the test pilot of the new Gundam NT-4 prototype.
Some time between 'Tron' and 'Tron: Legacy', a young program named Beck becomes the skillful leader of a revolution inside the computer world of The Grid.
Martial Artist Junpei, actress Airi, and artillery-obsessed student Ritsuko all find themselves transported from Japan to a magical world. When the elven priestess Celcia casts the spell to send them home, she is interrupted, and the spell is broken into parts that scatter throughout the world. The spell fragments imprint themselves onto the bodies of various female elves so the trio must travel in search of them.
Many lawyers consider themselves prophets, but Eli Stone may be the real deal. Eli has built a successful career at a top law firm in San Francisco representing only the biggest and richest corporations that make a habit of screwing over the little guy. But after experiencing a series of odd hallucinations, Eli seeks to find a deeper meaning to life while trying not to lose his job and destroy his relationship with the bosses' daughter. When Eli discovers an aneurysm in his brain, he wonders if his condition is truly medical or if perhaps he now has a higher calling.
Zhang Chulan, an ordinary young man, gets entangled in an unprecedented world of "outsiders" when his grandfather's body mysteriously disappears. Facing unexpected pursuit from the Sinister Pleasure, a relentless organization, and the sudden appearance of an enigmatic girl Feng Baobao, Zhang Chulan decides to no longer hide his superpower. As Zhang delves into his grandfather's past, he gradually becomes part of the world of outsiders, where the mysteries of history start to unravel. Behind it all lies a shocking secret, and Feng's mysterious origins seem to hold the key to the truth. The young outsiders fight shoulder to shoulder to overcome the challenges and become friends who have each other's back. On their journey of growth, each one searches for their sense of righteousness, while a battle between good and evil looms on the horizon...
When Reed Richards, Sue and Johnny Storm and pilot Ben Grimm take a premature space flight on a new shuttle, they find themselves massively bombarded with cosmic radiation. Barely managing to re-enter and land safely, the quartet find themselves forever transformed with superpowers. Deciding to use these new powers to help people, they form the Fantastic Four, a superhero team dedicated to the protection of Earth from menaces like the Latverian King Dr. Doom and Galactus, the planet consumer.
Denizens of Lux have come to call it "The City" and treat it as a sentient force. Three factions vie for control of the city: the Organo, a strictly professional conglomerate with ties to the criminal underworld in the prosthetics business; the Union, a fanatical populist group interfering with Organo's affairs; and Racan, a marauding group of Texhnolyzed youths.
A story of love and hate follows a woman who intentionally gets close to a man for the sake of revenge. She approaches him to further her goal without realizing that he is also a calculating man with his own agenda.
Xu Shu Bei lost both her parents at a young age in a car accident. In order to exact revenge, she treads every step carefully and is willing to use everything at her disposal to get close to her target. In the process, she enters into a complicated relationship with ShengShi Group successor Sheng Yun, fuerdai Shang Ming, and the Xia family's daughter Xia Yin Wa. Xu Shu Bei and Sheng Yun fall for each other, but they are scared to reveal their true feelings. As Xu Shu Bei is trapped by her emotions and her memories, she discovers a chilling secret surrounding memory implants.
As the war between the Imperial Army and Hellhorde rages on, the Princess, despite being armed with her mythical sword Excalibur, is captured and imprisoned. What kind of torture does she face at the hands of the chief demon interrogator? Fluffy fresh-baked toast! Hot, steaming ramen! Oh, the humanity! Can the Princess withstand these tormenting treats and keep her kingdom’s secrets safe?
Yoji Minamimaru, known as Nanmaru, is a university student with a supernatural ability to create small holes in anything. One day, Yoji finds out that the professor of folklore studies has gone missing. Together with his classmates, he decides to search for the professor.
The innocent and straightforward dragon girl (played by Yuan Jieying) tries to learn the method of raining in the world, and she must become a human being. She wanted to play around in the bustling world, but she was deeply attracted by Ye Xi (played by Chen Haomin), who is kind and generous, and the two began a "human-dragon love". However, "people and dragons are in love, must be sent from heaven", resulting in a variety of conditions, out of control, but they still love each other.
On the other hand, Zhou Chu (Qian Jiale), who grew up with Ye Xi, has strong martial arts, but a strong personality. He once believed that dragons are the root of all evil and determined to take dragon slaying as his own responsibility. Once when he went up the mountain to slay the dragon, he accidentally rescued the beautiful Crescent Princess (played by Zhang Shenyue), and soon began a close relationship.