In the late 26th century, overpopulation on Earth is reaching the breaking point, and humanity must find new frontiers. The terraforming of Mars has taken centuries but is now complete. The colonization of Mars by humanity is an epoch-making event, but an unintended side effect of the terraforming process unleashes a horror no one could ever have imagined...
Ace of Wands is a fantasy-based British children's television show broadcast on ITV between 1970 and 1972, created by Trevor Preston and Pamela Lonsdale and produced by Thames Television. The title, taken from the name of a Tarot card describes the principal character, called "Tarot" who combined stage magic with supernatural powers. Tarot has a pet Owl named Ozymandias, played by Fred Owl.
Ace of Wands ran for two seasons of thirteen episodes and a third season of twenty. Many, if not all, of the first 26 episodes are believed to have been wiped, although the final season is intact. In the first two series Tarot is assisted by Sam Maxstead, a reformed convict and Lillian Palmer known by her nickname, Lulli, an orphan. Lulli shares a telepathic link with Tarot, which enables them to communicate over great distances. After having to leave the programme because of prior commitments, in the final series this pair were replaced by brother and sister Chas, a photographer, and Mikki, a female journalist, who have very s
Sinbad accidentally kills the son of the powerful Lord Akbari in a fist fight. As recompense for the blood debt, Sinbad's brother is killed in front of his eyes. Sinbad escapes, but his grandmother uses a magic talisman to curse him for the death of his brother. The curse prevents Sinbad from staying on land for more than one day; if he tarries the talisman will choke him to death. This prohibition against remaining on land leads to a life of adventure at sea that holds many wonders. Sinbad is unaware that he is still being hunted by Lord Akbari, who does not consider Sinbad's brother's death as sufficient payment of the blood debt.
Xiao Jing, a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine, treats his patients as gently and kindly as as spring breeze, but treats irrelevant people coldly. Song Yi Ju is a brave and daring webtoon blogger and live-streaming celebrity who suddenly breaks into his life.
Jom is an architect responsible for the renovation of a historic house alongside the Ping River. There he discovers a wooden chest packed with old drawings, drawings that look strangely familiar. The contents are intriguing. However, Jom doesn't have time to concern himself with them; he must take a trip back to Bangkok to see his love. For years, Jom has been counting the days till his boyfriend would return from his far away studies, only to find him engaged to someone else.
Heartbroken, Jom comes to a place of acceptance as he runs his car into the river. In the cold darkness, Jom catches the sweet scent of fresh frangipani flowers coming from the stream and in the distance, he can make out a deep, gentle voice pronouncing clearly, "Pho Jom."
Jom will find himself waking up in 1920s Chiang Mai.
The story follows Ani, a princess from the minor nation of Inako. Ani is sent to the signing ceremony that will bring peace to the rival nations of Mildonia, a mighty military country, and Selenfaren, a powerful theocracy. Ani is supposed to help steer the signing ceremony along, but she runs into trouble when she encounters a handful of obstinate princes.
Wiedźmin is a 2002 fantasy television series. 13 episodes were made. The series received relatively poor reviews, particularly in the light of the failure of the preceding movie.
The story is based on the stories of The Witcher, by Polish author Andrzej Sapkowski.
Ark II is an American live-action science fiction series, aimed at children, that aired on CBS, beginning in 1976, as part of its Saturday morning line-up. Only 15 half-hour episodes of Ark II were ever produced; however, these episodes were re-run by the CBS television network for several years.
The story chronicles upon the past of Gai Kurenai and Jugglus Juggler, the original series' main protagonist and antagonist, who were once heroes fighting on the side of light, facing Dr. Psychi and his army of Bezelbs.
The All-New Super Friends Hour is an American animated television series about a team of superheroes which ran from September 10, 1977, to September 2, 1978, on ABC. It was produced by Hanna-Barbera and is based on the Justice League and associated comic book characters published by DC Comics.
Mysterious aliens and evil monsters that shouldn’t exist are attacking! Zero, Ribut, Taiga, Z (Zett), 80, Max, Mebius, Great, Powered, Grigio, and many more Ultra Heroes fight together to solve this mysterious case, which could end up affecting the whole universe. However, this is only the beginning! A conspiracy is underway – and stories are intersecting. What is the aim of the golden giant working in the shadows?! While connecting to the TV series Ultraman Z as well, a new history of Ultraman begins!
When a sophisticated AI robot transforms into the personal butler of a spoiled young heir, it beautifully portrays a touching love story between AI and humans across species.
HaShminiya is a television series that was broadcast on the Israeli channel Arutz HaYeladim in HOT. Although the show was designated for children and teenagers, it was also popular with adults.
Jan is a 19-year-old girl who was born with a special touch. She can see the death of every person she touches. Every touch and embrace is forbidden for her all her life. Not even her mom could hold her. Her life is under the control of Aunt Chaba, who uses her talents as a way to make a living with the superstition of the villagers.
Kinji, who lacks any kind of work ethic, is a layabout in his modern life. One day, he finds himself transported to another world–but not in a grand fantasy of a hero welcomed with open arms. He's immediately shoved into a terrible job! Now enslaved by an evil mining company in a fantasy world, Kinji's about to really learn the meaning of hard work!
5000 years ago, the Triton Family was living peacefully in Atlantis until the Poseidon Family destroyed them all. Triton, of the Triton Family line, embarks on an adventurous life in the sea fighting the Poseidon Family.