McDuff, The Talking Dog was a Saturday morning live action television program that aired on NBC in 1976. The show centered around the ghost of a 100-year-old sheepdog who used to live in the home now owned by a veterinarian, Dr. Calvin Campbell. McDuff could talk not only to the other animals, but also to Dr. Campbell. However, Dr. Campbell was the only person who could hear or see McDuff, which often led to wacky situations.
Dr. Campbell’s neighbor, Amos Ferguson, was played by Gordon Jump, who would later go on to WKRP in Cincinnati fame.
Astrid, Indah and Raya are three friends who get lost on the beach, and find a mysterious place while trying to find a way out. They passed out and when they realized they were in a cave with a pool of water. Astrid said that the pool was the only way for them to go home, but Indah did not agree because if they entered the pool they would turn into mermaids. Remembering that it was their only way out, Astrid and Raya convinced Indah to enter the pool, Indah agreed, the three of them then entered, not long after the light of the full moon shone on the pool.
After a car accident leaves him with amnesia, Jack is determined to rediscover himself using a bucket list. His latest adventure leads him to a Halloween party at a mysterious mansion, where he meets Magic, the charismatic yet elusive owner. But as Jack falls for Magic, he uncovers a shocking secret—Magic is a ghost tied to a dark past that is more connected to Jack than he could have ever imagined.
While preparing for a tea party, Hello Kitty receives a distress signal from Haro. She travels to the Universal Century timeline to help Amuro Ray and the Gundam end the One Year War.
Cross-promotion to commemorate the 40th anniversary of Gundam and the 45th anniversary of Hello Kitty.
Conan and the Young Warriors is a 1994 television cartoon series produced by Sunbow Entertainment and aired by CBS aired as a sequel to the animated series Conan the Adventurer, but featuring a different set of characters. The series was developed by Michael Reaves and directed by John Grusd. It lasted only for one season of 13 episodes.
Follow Drew Ferran as he comes of age and discovers he’s the last of a long line of Werewolves, and rightful (yet reluctant) ruler of a land governed by Werelords. Drew must fight to abolish the tyranny of the Lionlords and reclaim the throne.
Vicky and Vetaal is a children's comedy series produced by and aired on Disney Channel India. It was launched on October 7, 2006 as the first major original production of the network, and Disney's first locally produced live action Hindi language series. The show was planned to be the first of a string of five local productions due to get released within a year's span, and has since been followed by Dhoom Machaao Dhoom. The series stars Dev Kantawala as Vicky and Vishal Malhotra as Vetaal.
The show is based on the Baital Pachisi collection of tales about the semi-legendary King Vikram, identified as Vikramāditya, and the Vetala, a huge vampire-like being.
The network covers the whole globe, and the development of the information network reaches its acme. In this age, there are two developed worlds; the "real world" and "wired" — the virtual network world. Souma Tooru belongs to a group of hackers called Steppen Wolf, surfing the network freely. On their last job they attacked the database of the UN forces. During this attack, he loses Nonomura Yuuya, his friend and team leader. Tooru is arrested by the army. In exchange for letting him free, he has to work for an anti-hacker organization, the first squad of the UN Security Force Information Administration Bureau. Working for them, Tooru searches for the person that killed his friend, while the other members also have their own reason to fight. The three-way battles between the terrorist group, the security enterprise, and the army, continue from day to day. And when several seemingly unconnected events occur during these skirmishes, it becomes quite clear that something big is afoot.
With unmaintained red hair and shabby clothes, Marie, the baron's daughter, has been treated like a servant all her life. Count Granado, the country's richest man, who is said to be a difficult misogynist, falls in love with her at first sight. However, due to a misunderstanding, Count Granado proposes to her sister Anastasia, who looks like a princess, instead of the ragged Marie.
"The Walking Dead" actors Andrew Lincoln and Danai Gurira walk down memory lane and visit iconic locations where pivotal moments between their characters, Rick and Michonne, were filmed.
The story revolves around a fictional framework about Sultan Kahlan, who was deprived of procreation, along with his wife, Qamar Al-Zaman. Minister Shaalan seeks to persuade the Sultan to marry his daughter until she gives birth to the crown prince, until he meets the old witch king, who gives him and his wife an apple to eat and provide the crown prince, and the events continue.