Following the fall of Gorgom, Kotaro Minami tries to live a normal life with the Sahara family. However, this brief moment of peace is soon shattered by the arrival of the Crisis Empire—an evil alien menace that aims to eradicate humanity and claim dominion over Earth. After refusing to aid them in their nefarious goals, Kotaro is thrown hurtling back towards the planet with his transformation belt shattered. However, when he awakens, Kotaro discovers that the sun’s rays have blessed him with new power—the power of Kamen Rider Black RX!
A young boy named Taiga travels around the world with his archeologist father, Dr. Daino. They visit the continent of South America to investigate an ancient ruins discovered by treasure hunters. There they find a stone statue of a gigantic bird which stands more than 50 meters tall. To their surprise, the stone bird wakes up and flies away from the very spot it remain motionless. It turns out that the stone bird is called "Oobats" and when obtains a relic called the "Ooparts Egg", it will become a dangerous weapon which could destroy the whole universe. Taiga must hunt down the bird to prevent world wide disaster.
Space Vets was a 39-episode children's sci fi show about a motley crew of misfit intergalactic space vets. The concept was devised by Stephen Edmondson and Jerome Vincent, but the characters were created by writer Christopher Middleton, and most of the 39 episodes written by him, too. Music for the series was produced by former Doctor Who composer Dominic Glynn.
The overbearing female CEO, Yue Zheng Xi, has a strange superpower — a heartbeat status bar always floats above her head, showing values such as 60%, 80%, 100%. Once her heartbeat reaches 100%, she will be like a "hot overworked computer" where it suddenly shuts down. When the overbearing, older woman Yue Zheng Xi meets the sunny assistant Chen Xu, the unexpected physical contact makes her discover that her heartbeat could be rapidly reduced!
Cheon Nara, whose name literally means ‘heaven’, is a normal lady working a normal office job who suddenly starts seeing glimpses of a man in suits smirking at her. She lives alone and of course, freaks out when she feels that there is someone following her on her way home and makes the decision to buy a taser. It turns out that the man is no ordinary man; he is a devil who appears before her, black wings and all, to offer her three wishes. Nara’s response to his revelation is something Mr. Devil has not prepared for: she completely ignores him and his offer, doubting her vision. He tries to prove his identity, only to lead her into believing that she has a disease and has started having hallucinations.
By day Electra Elf is Jennifer Swallows, a mild-mannered reporter for Art Star Scene Magazine (A.S.S.) and Fluffer is Boobie, a chihuahua-clothes model, but when danger calls, the two put on stylish leotards and kick butt, taking down corrupt senators, sleazy frat-boys, satanic cults, landlords, zombie-tourists and other miserable malcontents in each heart-stopping episode.
A thousand-year-old abandoned wife transforms into a cute girl and falls in love with an alien uncle, and an immortal alien pilot transforms into a superstar to protect her thousand-year-old love. This is a group of people abandoned by time, who fell in love before the Christian era. In the prehistoric reincarnation, they are destined to be reunited briefly and lost forever... Searching for life after life, the only thing they can do is to keep each other's marks in mind and wait for their fate to wake up next time.
Anglia Television's 5 episode adaption of Lewis Caroll's Alice in Wonderland was inspired and based upon an early production put on by the famous Da Silva Puppets group at the Norwich Puppet Theatre.
Brought to you by Adam de la Pena (Codemonkeys, Minoriteam), this bumbling group is exploring the deep reaches of space, uncharted planets... in order to build intergalactic convenience stores.