Ghosthunters is a British paranormal documentary television series that originally aired from 1996 to 1997 on the Discovery Channel. The four-series program was produced by Inca Productions of Covent Garden, London, hosted by Ian Cashmore, and narrated by William Woollard. Ian Cashmore also appeared in the promo for the American Syfy series Ghost Hunters.
The series tells the story of Fofo entering the house of Dr. Qalagorche, who after entering this house causes the residents of the apartment to face interesting problems...
The young zhou fought off the evil monster after being a partner with kaiyan monster,got the recognition from his father,entered the hunting union, and became friends with chen,he and wang.At this time,the ban dragon hunting group encouraged the evil monster to attack the human,zhou burst out of the power of the dragon to solve the crisis,however kaiyan monster has lost itself.On the way to rescue kaiyan monster,the ban dragon hunting group incited starmon to reactionary,and zhou was able to escapewith the power of chiyan Ssangyong and kaiyan monster.However,kaiyan monster was influenced by the negative control of the dragon,zhou has 。。。。
Leo, a nostalgist, tries to fulfill his client's dream, Mr. Edi, to own a house with the exact same design as his old house. After hearing Pak Edi's story about his feelings for Mrs. Lina, his late wife, Leo felt pressed to find a love story with someone. Leo watched an ad for an app called Get to know, "you're not the only one who feels alone. There are lots of other people who feel it too. why not try together? "Kenali" now!
Ye Chen, who is an ancient god, has fallen from the world of the gods to the world of the blue world. Here, hundreds of thousands of countries are standing, and the heroes are fighting for hegemony. Ye Chen has been in this pale blue world for hundreds of years and has established a huge force. In Baizhou Qianguo, the existence of Ye Chen has always been a legend. But the power from the world of the gods slowly extended to the blue world, and a cruel dragon battle is about to begin. In the capital city of Nanzhou, the first battle of Tianbei State, Hong Xu and the Wulong two men of Nanzhou Shuangyuemen Gate competed outside the Huashen Palace, but they were defeated in the hands of Su Xiaoxiao, the group leader of the Huashen Palace. The Northern Army emerged in the eastern part of southern South China and wanted to break South. The defender will disregard the safety of the people of Nanzhou and the hurricane, and intends to open the city gate to surrender.
With unmaintained red hair and shabby clothes, Marie, the baron's daughter, has been treated like a servant all her life. Count Granado, the country's richest man, who is said to be a difficult misogynist, falls in love with her at first sight. However, due to a misunderstanding, Count Granado proposes to her sister Anastasia, who looks like a princess, instead of the ragged Marie.
Yakō Shizuka, a quiet and bashful woman, works at a detective agency. Her boss Tounome, who owns the company, is the gentlemanly type, kind and dapper, though he has an extra talent—he's invisible! His special ability is perfect for detective work, but he quickly comes to find it doesn't work on Yakō, who is blind and always knows if he's near. Charmed, Tounome is determined to get her to date him and isn't against using his many skills. Yakō's quirky coworkers, a contrarian human man and a sisterly beastwoman, kindly watch over her as she stumbles and blushes through the uncharted waters of office romance.