Tierra de Pasiones is a Spanish-language telenovela produced by Telemundo which is owned by NBC Universal. Tierra de Pasiones was filmed on a set in Homestead, Florida, and aired weekdays from February 20, 2006 to October 24, 2006 at 8 pm ET.
Youssef loves his son Islam very much and raises him to learn the teachings of the Islamic religion without exaggeration or racism and leaves his wife Maryam the freedom to pray and veil until she is convinced.
Park Qi Cai has 5 flawless men in her surrounding, with the same surname; including adopted son and cousin. One day, she crosses paths with a young man, named Quan Xi Zheng, because of a cellphone. He may be handsome and excellent at everything, but also has one flaw - sharp tongue that pushes Qi Cai's buttons. To make matters worse, Qi Cai can never beat him at his own game. Qi Cai's older brothers, step in to help her with handling him, but nothing works, until Qi Cai discovers Quan Xi Zheng's secret, that revolves around a musical score, called March Minor.