Time of Your Life was a daily teen soap opera set in a fictional high school. Composed of a number of iconic characters (the rich kid, the diva, the cool loner, the hip black kid, the troubled girl, the punker, etc.), plot lines covered topics as drug abuse, first apartments, romance, high school and social politics, and so on.
Primera Dama and English is a Colombian telenovela Caracol Televisión, adaptation of the eponymous Chilean telenovela Channel 13 in 2010.
Starring antagonistically by Carina Cruz together Javier Jattin; addition to the debut Caracol Televisión of Christian Meier, shares has stellar Kathy Sáenz and Jacqueline Arenal; and involving antagonistic Caleb Casas.
The accident of a couple on the road opens dozens of questions. The woman's body has disappeared. The man remains in a coma. The identity of both reveals a secret: they were not husbands, they were lovers. Three years earlier, a friendship between two marriages became a prelude to that forbidden love. Raquel and Damián, well-off fishing entrepreneurs, meet Carolina and Santiago, a young housewife and her husband, an expanding construction worker.
To pay her mother's medical bills, she entered into a marriage of convenience with him, who was under pressure from his family to wed. They agreed to the arrangement on the spot. What began as a mere transaction slowly blossomed into genuine affection as they spent time together. Yet, just as their bond deepened, his supposed savior emerged, causing her constant anguish. Little did he know, the true savior was right beside him all along.