This family comedy drama revolves around two brothers and their families. Both of them lives in the same house which has left by their father in his will. This property dispute will left your eyes teared with laughter.
From being the maid of the family to becoming their favourite daughter-in-law, Joba has come far. Now a mother of three, she strives to keep her family united.
Mundo de Juguete is a telenovela produced in Mexico by Televisa in 1974. It is a remake of telenovela Papá Corazón.
This telenovela holds the record for having the second longest run ever for a Latin American telenovela, with a total of 605 episodes. Most telenovelas run for an average of six to eight months; the shortest ones run about four months, and the longest up to a year. Many "Mundo de Juguete" fans believe that either all or some of the tapes and film from the telenovela were lost when Televisa collapsed during the 1985 earthquake. Televisa has been secretive regarding which tapes were lost during that earthquake, so there is no way of confirming this. However, such claims can be disputed, considering that the Telenovela has been repeated on television several times after 1985. During the nineties, it was repeated on Mexico City Canal 9. For a period of time, it was also shown on Unicable or on Telenovelas Televisa remade the telenovela in 2000, and called it "Carita de Angel".
The Brighter Day is an American daytime soap opera which aired on CBS from January 4, 1954 to September 28, 1962. Originally created for NBC radio by Irna Phillips in 1948, the radio and television versions ran simultaneously from 1954-1956. Set in New Hope, Wisconsin, the series revolved around Reverend Richard Dennis and his four children, Althea, Patsy, Babby and Grayling.
The Brighter Day was the first soap opera to air on network television with an explicitly religious theme. Another soap opera created by Phillips, The Guiding Light, initially had a religious theme as a radio show but dropped it by the time the series moved to television.
lonelygirl15 is an interactive web-based video series which began in June 2006 and ran through to August 1, 2008. Developed under the working title The Children of Anchor Cove, the show gained worldwide media attention when it was outed as fictional in September 2006.
Time of Your Life was a Canadian television soap opera which ran production from August 1988 to May 1989. The series was created by producer Harry Jakobs and Maryse Wilder, Rhea Cohen and Maurice Thevenet. The series was shot in Montreal, in a studio with built sets in an industrial lot warehouse on Royalmount and The Decarie Expressway near Montreal's racetrack Blue Bonnets and Orange Julep. It was loosely based on the low budget Canadian independent feature Rebel High. The series debuted on October 17, 1988 and was aired right after the American soap opera General Hospital at 4pm, daily Monday through Friday replacing Bob Barker's The Price Is Right. Making it at that period Canada's first daily syndicated soap opera with all 130 episodes shot two weeks in advance to air date until completion of the first season cliffhanger.