Amanda O is a comedy, an Internet television series in Argentina produced by Dori Media Group. The show features a cast headed by Natalia Oreiro as Amanda O and Luciano Castro as Dante. The show will be on internet at, with a summary on television issued by América 2. It consists of about 120 very short episodes, each approximately eight minutes long. This telenovela has characteristics of a nightmare, dystopia, and science fiction, being drastically different from standard telenovelas, at least approaching serious drama.
When her husband is killed in a land grabbing attempt, Aline takes charge of cultivating his land and protecting his family. Facing the powerful Antonio La Selva, responsible for the death of her husband and the largest landowner in the region, Aline is determined to keep possession of her land and invest in its production. However, she didn't expect that she would fall in love with Daniel, son of her rival, who is at odds with his rebellious half-brother, Caio, who, in turn, also falls in love with the girl. In the interior of Brazil, Aline will have to fight two battles: the dispute for her lands and for her heart.
Emilia a single mother who works in a mine fall in love with Leonardo the son of Roberta Castro the most powerful of the people. Roberta will seek revenge on Emilia by making her life miserable.
During the early Qing Dynasty an unimportant man accidentally becomes an undercover agent for a rebel group fighting the new regime. Hijinks ensue as he tries to accomplish his assigned missions.
Paloma is a willful woman whose newborn baby is kidnapped by her own brother, Félix, who plans to become sole heir to the family’s fortune. Bruno is an honest man who, during the same night, loses his wife and son in childbirth and miraculously finds Paloma’s child in a dumpster. Destiny will unite their lives in a plot of secrets, revelations, and disputes, with the unpredictable consequences of lives based on a dangerous and surprising network of lies.
La Revancha is a Venezuelan telenovela that was produced by and seen on Venevisión. This telenovela lasted 247 episodes and was distributed internationally by Venevisión International.
The story centres round the inhabitants of small neighbourhood who work in an enrichment school and a minimart. From ex-criminal to middle-aged workers who lost their jobs to technology, and elderlies with a seemingly disillusioned life, can there still be hopes and dreams for these everyday folks who live at the edge of society ? A light-hearted drama bursting with colourful characters, watch how Zhong Ling the founder of Hope Training Centre, and Hong Da Cai the boss of ‘Tian Tian Lai’ minimart, deal with every day situation and at the same time manage their own love life.
First Love is an American soap opera which ran on NBC Daytime from July 5, 1954 to December 30, 1955. The series aired at 4:15 p.m. EST, between Golden Windows and Concerning Miss Marlowe. Although the show had a strong fan following, at the time NBC had little use for developing any of their daytime shows and canceled First Love after a year and a half. Many cast members such as Patricia Barry, Val Dufour and Rosemary Prinz went on to become long-running daytime stars.
Created by Adrian Samish and written by Manya Starr, the series centered around jet engineer Zach James and his difficult marriage to Laurie James. Due to being neglected as a child, Zach was obsessed with building a name for himself. Laurie tried to understand him but was unable to help him deal with his problems, as he went on trial for the murder of an aviatrix he may have been having an affair with.
The show became known chiefly for a major blooper early in its run. A Friday cliffhanger involved Zach seeing his friend Chris crash his plane. Za
The synopsis was loosely inspired by an argument by Paulo José called Cidade das Formigas. It was based on what happened in the city of Formiga, in Minas Gerais, where women work for large clothing manufacturers in the country. In Formiga Real, women guarantee a large part of their families' livelihood with this work.
Ana, a dedicated wife and mother, must reinvent her life after divorcing her philandering husband. When she meets and falls in love with a much younger man named Joaquín, her family and future change forever.
Marina is a beautiful, sweet young woman who makes a living driving a tourist boat. Her simple life transforms when her mother dies unexpectedly and she inherits a large family fortune. Marina moves into an elegant mansion owned by the wealthy Alarcón Morales family, who treat her with evil, scorn and rejection.
Helena and Luciana are two supermodels with completely opposite personalities: the first is stormy and spoiled, while the second - being older - is patient and restrained. Their fate changes when Helena becomes involved with Marcos, Luciana's father, an older man recently divorced from a former model, Tereza, who does not accept the end of the marriage.
A story about family. About legacy. About building up and tearing down. a story of secrets and lies. A story of how the sins of the fathers visit their children and raises the question of whether blood really crawls where it cannot run.
Maria Eduarda "Duda" Pinheiro is a successful top model. After being hired to model Covery brand clothes, she meets the Kundera brothers, Alex and Gaspar, owners of the company. Gaspar, a former beatnik, is over 40 but still practices surfing, lives in a beach-side house and raises five children: Elvis (named after Elvis Presley), Ringo (Starr), Jane (Fonda), Olívia (Newton-John) and (John) Lennon, all from different mothers who left them with him. Anastácia "Naná" Passos, Duda's friend and mentor, loves him platonically, and rivalizes with Mariza Borges over him. Alex by contrast is a yuppie. He and their mother Morgana have a love-hate relationship and rivalry with his brother over Morgana's attention and the company. Alex begins to love Duda, however she falls in love with Lucas, a graffiti artist who is on the run from the São Paulo police due to his involvement in a crime there. He is also searching for his real father, and thinks it's either Alex or Gaspar.