The Five is an American talk show on Fox News Channel featuring a rotating panel of contributors who discuss current political issues and pop culture. The show premiered in July 2011, replacing the Glenn Beck program, and airs on weekdays at 5:00 p.m. ET with replays at 2:00 a.m. ET.
On October 3, 2011, after successful ratings and high popularity, Fox News announced that The Five would become the permanent 5p.m. series, as the program was previously announced to last only during the summer.
The Five is currently the second-most-watched program in all of cable news in the United States, placing only behind The O'Reilly Factor.
Kim Jung-eun's Chocolate was a South Korean late night music program which began airing on March 11, 2008 on Tuesday nights at 12:35am on SBS replacing Lee Juk's Music Space. It was then moved to Wednesday nights at 12:30AM, Saturday nights at 12:10AM, and now Sunday nights at 12:10AM. It is hosted by famed actress, Kim Jung-eun, who starred in highly-rated dramas such as Lovers in Paris and its sequel, Lovers. It aired its 3rd year anniversary as its final episode on March 20, 2011.
ONE makes the hearts of real serial nerds beat faster and invites to a serious talk about series. Kurt Krömer, the scriptwriters Annette Hess ("Weißensee") and Ralf Husmann ("Stromberg") as well as presenter and all-gazer Annie Hoffmann present their current series favorites and do not hold back even with negative criticism.
The program follows the daily lives of 16 contestants, who live on a farm, where they will have to carry out all the activities inherent to the normal functioning of the farm, having to demonstrate the best spirit of survival and find the best way to overcome all obstacles. adversities.
But there is competition: nominations will take place weekly and are based on the results of the tests proposed throughout the week, directly or by vote of the remaining participants. In the eviction show participants, with the exception of nominees, vote to eliminate one of the nominees, with the one who gathers the most votes being expelled.
The winner will be decided by the public.
Face to Face is a Philippine reality tabloid talk show aired on TV5 and hosted by Amy Perez. It is produced exclusively by ABC Development Corporation and bills itself as a "Barangay Hall On-Air."
It is very similar to the US television show The Jerry Springer Show but has a Filipino cultural perspective, predominantly with "marginalized and impoverished guests". The show aims to resolve minor conflicts between two arguing parties with the help of a panel of counselors that represent the legal, emotional and spiritual aspects of living.
The show is one of the most popular talk shows in the Philippines but has also proved to be controversial due to the violence exhibited in the show. Hence, the Movie and Television Review and Classification Board has requested that the show "tone down physical altercations between guests".
An unforgettable journey into the depths of human existence, while David Dastmalchian guides his guests through discussions that delve into personal reflections on mortality, legacy, and the afterlife, all while lying down in Titan caskets.