The show features two individuals who are passionate about Japanese performing arts but have never been exposed to traditional arts before. Now one of them takes up the challenge of performing herself and shares uncertainties and surprises that arise from their initial experiences.
Furthermore, the program goes beyond the surface and explores the "behind-the-scenes" aspects and the intricacies of lesser-known performances.
“Salt and Sugar” is the first Syrian work shown on Syrian television in 1973 during the month of Ramadan, and its events take place inside the prison when the social worker (Sabah Al-Jazairi) visits the prison to search for the cause of the prisoners’ delinquency, and (Dhiab Mashhour) sings the song “Alamaya,” and remembers Ghawar Al-Tosha (Duraid Lahham) is his mother and longs for life outside the bars. He sings his famous songs “Lou Lou Lou” and “Oh my beloved woman, ya mo.” The artist Dhiyab Mashhour also sings “Ya Abourdin.” The artist Taroub also presented two songs, “Tik Tok,” as part of a competition organized by Hosni. Al-Borzan (Nihad Qalai) inside the prison, through a Syrian comedy act starring Duraid Lahham and Nihad Qalai, in collaboration with Yassin Bakoush, Naji Jabr, Najah Hafeez, Abdul Latif Fathi Sabah Al-Jazairi and others, and the work is directed by Khaldoun Al-Maleh.
Enjoy the timeless beauty of cherry blossoms, reminiscent of "The Tale of Genji," in the historic cities of Kyoto, Nara, and Otsu alongside the cast members of the 2024 Taiga Drama. Experience the carefully preserved ancient aristocratic culture, including court music, dance, kemari, and culinary traditions.
In the digital age, online conversations and social media posts often spark heated debates and discussions. In each episode of this news program, host and a group of young celebrities cover international news and unusual stories from around the world, from astronomy and geography to film, television, and gaming. With a focus on humor and lighthearted discussion, the show aims to capture various global topics and appeal to a wide audience.
In each episode, Marco Fresco is a guest on a journey into the universe of video games since the time of their creation. Some of the most iconographic titles in the history of video games are brought back from faraway memories and remembered with stories and facts that involved them in the height of the game's popularity and the social context of the time.
A weekly television talk show, which selected young women, ages 14–25, to promote education, skills and choosing the right career.
Nestlé Nesvita's Women of Strength initiative aims to provide young urban women with the tools and guidance to create positive, goal-achieving changes in their lives. It tells stories of strength from women who thought they had achieved something extraordinary in life and deserved the title of ‘Woman of Strength’.
Caro maestro is an Italian television comedy series which aired from 1996 to 1997 on Canale 5. The series follows Stefano Giusti, a bus driver who is allowed to teach at Forte dei Marmi elementary school in which he was raised. There, he meets and falls in love with Elisa, teacher and director of the school, with whom he used to date.
"Circle House" is a healing talk show that candidly shares realistic concerns experienced by the MZ generation in Korea and seeks solutions with applicants.
Opinions is a British talk programme broadcast on Channel 4 television in the 1980s and 1990s. According to Time magazine, Opinions gave "a public figure 30-minutes of airtime each week to expound on a controversial topic ". "A speaker could express his or her own views straight to camera for 30 minutes", "an earnest of Channel 4's faith and mission to bring edgy, alternative fare to the public and to excite reaction". "Individuals like the novelist Salman Rushdie and the historian EP Thompson each spoke to the camera for half an hour on a subject that interested them".
ONE makes the hearts of real serial nerds beat faster and invites to a serious talk about series. Kurt Krömer, the scriptwriters Annette Hess ("Weißensee") and Ralf Husmann ("Stromberg") as well as presenter and all-gazer Annie Hoffmann present their current series favorites and do not hold back even with negative criticism.