A complex knot of comedy, subversive commentary, and music, unabashedly introduced by Poppy as ‘a show where we’ll learn, listen, live, laugh, love and probably, a few of us will die.
Bryan Magee traces the history of western philosophy over two millennia, discussing the ideas of the past with an expert guest or contemporary philosopher.
Aquí hay tomate was a popular Spanish television program produced by Salta and issued by the chain Telecinco. It premiered on March 24, 2003, broadcasting Monday to Friday afternoon, the final broadcast was February 1, 2008.
Will Neff stars as Donna C., your new favorite hip, New Jersey granny, in this ALL NEW call-in advice show with an emphasis on COMEDY, CREATORS, and CANDOR. Tune in for a chance to get your burning questions answered on the show for adventurous hearts.
Orson Welles' Sketch Book is a series of six short television commentaries by Orson Welles for the BBC in 1955. Written and directed by Welles, the 15-minute episodes present the filmmaker's commentaries on a range of subjects. Welles frequently draws from his own experiences and often illustrates the episodes with his own sketches.