In this show, Osamu Hayashi, a lecturer in modern Japanese language, takes on the role of a high school student. Alongside his celebrity friends who act as fellow classmates, they bring in experts from different fields to give lessons.
Fox & Friends is an early-morning opinion talk show that begins at 6:00 a.m. Eastern Time with the latest Fox News Live headlines and news of the morning. It continues with a variety of segments including interviews, updates of news stories with correspondents, analysis from the hosts, and entertainment segments. The show has a list of regular contributors, including Dr. Manny Alvarez, presenting his health segments "Ask Dr. Manny" and "Dr. Manny's Healthbeat."
"Girlfriend Friday" with Nikki Rouleau and Misty Mills focuses on fashion and jewelry and encourages women to share their jewelry stories and favorite trends on Facebook and Instagram.