The show features young performers of Yoshimoto Shinkigeki presenting various skits and challenges to Kazutoyo Koyabu, who critiques their performances. The show aims to develop these performers’ skills for broader entertainment roles.
The show, in collaboration with the web magazine 'anna,' features monthly special guests and introduces content related to gourmet, fashion, places to go, entertainment, and more.
Fork and Backpack is a documentary series produced by Coyote and J. A. Productions, created in 2007 and broadcast until 2012.
It follows Julie Andrieu on her travels to the heart of culinary cultures from around the world1. In 2011, after five seasons, Julie Andrieu announced that she was suspending the presentation of the show for a year to devote herself to another project on France 52.3.
In 2016, it was rebroadcast on the Number 234 channel, but no new episodes were shot.
In each episode, Fernanda Torres conducts an interview with an intellectual whom she admires and presents a fiction skit about an intriguing text - those that makes one feel stupid.