In Confidence is a British television series presented by Laurie Taylor and executive produced by Victor Lewis-Smith, in which a one-on-one in depth interview with a public figure takes place over the course of about an hour. The object of the interview is to try to get to the bottom of who the subject really is and how they think. The show airs on Sky Arts in the UK.
The charming Sonam Bajwa interacts with Punjabi celebrities and gives interesting insights about their career graphs, upcoming projects and an exclusive sneak peek into their personal lives.
Hockey Night Live is an up-to-the-action sports talk show about NHL hockey broadcast on MSG Network. Its main host, Al Trautwig, is joined by a panel that includes Ken Daneyko, Ron Duguay, Dave Maloney, Butch Goring, and Mike Keenan, with contributions from Stan Fischler. Bill Pidto serves as panel moderator and host when Trautwig is on assignment or unavailable.
The program primarily serves as an analysis program for the four NHL teams to which MSG holds broadcast rights: the Buffalo Sabres, New York Islanders, New Jersey Devils, and MSG-owned New York Rangers. Other hockey-related topics of broad importance are also occasionally discussed.
Time to take a detour back to the roots with the first-ever web series on Gujarati Lok Dayro! Performed and shot amid live audience, it features superstar artists- Mayabhai Ahir, Ghanshyam Lakhani, Jitubhai Dwarkawala & Hitesh Antala
RPN NewsWatch in the Philippines was the longest-running English language flagship newscast of the Radio Philippines Network. It has a complicated history, undergoing many name changes.