The Dick Powell Show is an American anthology series that ran on NBC from 1961- 1963, primarily sponsored by the Reynolds Metals Company. It was hosted by longtime film star Dick Powell until his death from lymphatic cancer on January 2, 1963, then by a series of guest hosts until the series ended. The first of these was Gregory Peck, who began the January 8 program with a tribute to Powell, recognizing him as "a great and good friend to our industry." Peck was followed by fellow actors such as Robert Mitchum, Frank Sinatra, Glenn Ford, Charles Boyer, Jackie Cooper, Rock Hudson, Milton Berle, Jack Lemmon, Dean Martin, Robert Taylor, Steve McQueen, David Niven, Danny Thomas, Robert Wagner and John Wayne.
One of Britain’s favourite comedians doing what he does best – being funny. But Alan Davies isn’t on a stage, or behind his QI desk sparring with Stephen Fry, or even wearing his Jonathan Creek duffle coat… instead, Alan is at his most relaxed and most natural – sitting around chatting with some of his best comedian friends.
Three personalities compete to win the title of best guest of the evening. Antoine Vézina is the judge responsible for awarding players points that will designate a winner. The competitors make fun of the codes behind conventional talk shows during interviews, and take part in various challenges.
Russell Howard offers his unique take on the week's news and current affairs, picking through the biggest UK and international stories, and offering a wise and worldly view on the globe's news. Along the way, he'll welcome celebrity guests and leading experts, as well as hear from fledgling global correspondents. Plus, there will be stand-up, too, as Russell showcases some of the comedy scene's finest and most exciting stars.
Daebak (대박), a Korean word and phrase to describe something spectacular. Cue ‘Daebak Show’ hosted by Eric Nam, a long-time veteran in the industry as both a K-pop artist and celebrity personality. Here we celebrate music and media’s greatest hits, the people behind them, and get a glimpse into the industry.
TV total is a German late-night television comedy talk show.
The set of TV total includes a floating interview stage that can be moved from one studio corner to the other. The show featured buttons with sounds and clips before Craig Ferguson's The Late Late Show.