In this talk show, the actor Frank Rautenbach invites guests to talk about things that interest and inspire him. From cars, fishing, hunting, investments, travel and rugby - everything that is close to the men's hearts.
At the Movies is a movie review television program that aired from 1982 to 1990. It was produced by Tribune Entertainment and created by Gene Siskel and Roger Ebert, who had left Sneak Previews the previous year.
Siskel and Ebert left in 1986 in a dispute with Tribune Entertainment; they went on to create Siskel & Ebert with Buena Vista Television. They were replaced by film critics Rex Reed and Bill Harris, a gossip correspondent for Entertainment Tonight. Under Reed and Harris, the show expanded beyond movie reviews, adding show business news. Harris left in 1988 and was replaced by former ET host Dixie Whatley.
Exposed is a Web Series produced and hosted by television personality Joseph Shepherd. The show sees Shepherd interviewing various alumni of the Drag Race franchise with a particular focus on their lives, careers, and Drag Race experience.
Lee Soo-geun, Jeong Hyeong-don, Park Sung-kwang, Lee Hong-gi, and JR from NU’EST race to be the first one to arrive at the most popular destinations first for a prize every week. Cast members, or the “Night Goblins,” start the race at midnight where they must stay awake all night to get to the destination first the next morning.
Åpen Post was a Norwegian sketch comedy television program that ran on the Norwegian state channel NRK from 1998 till 2002. It was created and hosted by Harald Eia and Bård Tufte Johansen. The show started in a talk show format with interviews and guests but later leaned more towards being a pure sketch show. The show became one of Norway's most popular TV productions though it was the center of criticism due to controversial episodes such as Bård Tuft Johansens "Chicken stunt", involving the then Norwegian Labour Party leader Thorbjørn Jagland.
After the show was taken of the air Harald Eia and Bård Tufte Johansen continued to created new successful NRK shows such as Uti vår hage, Team Antonsen, Tre brødre som ikke er brødre, Ut i vår hage 2 and Storbynatt.
Photographer and director Sam Jones sits down with the myriad professionals of television and movies, and other celebrities (great skateboarders, for example), to discuss their development before fame, their passions beyond their careers, and gives them a space to open up about their insight into their business and their own abilities. Filmed in black and white, with a few deep cushion chairs and sparse set, the show relies on Sam's ability to relate to the guests and their will to speak freely with him.
God kveld Norge is a Norwegian celebrity and entertainment program hosted by Dorthe Skappel since it was launched on TV2 in 1997. Its title transelates to "Good Evening Norway".