Synopsis: In this program, actors and well-known figures in groups of four invite their friends to their homes for dinner and a friendly gathering. The host tries to surprise his guests by performing a special program or inviting another guest. At the end of each night, guests give points to their host for dinner and reception. At the end of four nights, one person will be chosen as the best host...
In these insightful one-on-one interviews, the industry’s biggest and brightest join host Elvis Mitchell (film authoritarian and critic for The New York Times) in front of a live audience for an in-depth look at the art of filmmaking and a discussion about their latest and greatest works.
Beyaz Show is a popular Talk Show program hosted by Turkish television personality Beyazıt Öztürk. It has been on air on Kanal D since December 1996. The program is among the most highest rated television shows in Turkey. The program consists Beyaz interviewing various celebrities and segments of his unique brand of humour.
Adam Hills In Gordon St Tonight has all the usual talk show trimmings – celebrity guests, great comedy and live music - with all the excitement and spontaneity you’d expect from one of the country’s best live comedians.
A group of talented artists breathe new life into classic Japanese songs and pop songs that have influenced them, covering them in fascinating arrangements, each with their own unique flavor. This is also a music program where they talk about their obsessions to the fullest.