The program follows the daily lives of 16 contestants, who live on a farm, where they will have to carry out all the activities inherent to the normal functioning of the farm, having to demonstrate the best spirit of survival and find the best way to overcome all obstacles. adversities.
But there is competition: nominations will take place weekly and are based on the results of the tests proposed throughout the week, directly or by vote of the remaining participants. In the eviction show participants, with the exception of nominees, vote to eliminate one of the nominees, with the one who gathers the most votes being expelled.
The winner will be decided by the public.
Get ready for real talk and real conversation in this new Lifetime series, executive produced by Demi Moore and British actress, Amanda de Cadenet. Each episode provides a refreshing and modern take on celebrity interviews as de Cadenet sits down with female celebrities to discuss topics universal to all women.
Aquí hay tomate was a popular Spanish television program produced by Salta and issued by the chain Telecinco. It premiered on March 24, 2003, broadcasting Monday to Friday afternoon, the final broadcast was February 1, 2008.
When I Get A Minute is a review series for the very busy hosted by two of Australia's most time-poor media personalities Annabel Crabb & Leigh Sales. Join them as they talk about the best & worst.