Gujarati actor Ojas Rawal has begun a chat show for Oho Gujarati where he interviews celebrities every week. The first celeb to join the show was RJ-turned-actress Devaki.
Ever wondered what happened to a popular actress or actor, athlete or comedian? Are you curious about their backstory? Well Life After has the scoop! The series investigates turning points in the lives of intriguing stars.
JYP Entertainment is hiring a 'Super Intern'! Based on a transparent screening process, selected candidates will intern at the company for 6 weeks, and the finalists will become full-time employees.
Tetsuko no Heya (Tetsuko's Room) is a long-running daytime television talk show hosted by Tetsuko Kuroyanagi. The show has been on the air for over four decades and is broadcast every weekday. Over 10,000 Japanese and foreign celebrities have appeared on the show over the years since its inception in February 1976.
There is a famine for the Word of God! Even though more than 100 million copies of the Bible are sold yearly worldwide, few people really understand its staggering endurance, historical accuracy, dependability, and wonderful power to transform lives. According to one Barna study, only half of Americans believe the Bible was truly inspired by God—no wonder we’re seeing such a dramatic breakdown in values today!
Join Alan Watts in season one of On Eastern Wisdom & Modern Life. His inaugural season introduces and begins to break down our understanding of what is and what could be.
Marina Summers is back for a Mother-tucking Show! 🎬💫✨
Your new favorite Drag Race Philippines Recap show “The Stop Over” is premiering tomorrow, August 5, at 6pm! The time has come for us to kiki and talk about the latest chismis of @dragraceph Season 2 hosted by your Filipina Diva, Marina Summers, featuring your favorite Drag Queens from the Drag Race Multiverse! 👸🌌💫