The Morning Show with Mike and Juliet was an American syndicated morning talk show. Produced by Fox, the show first aired on January 22, 2007 to a number of markets originally through Fox and MyNetworkTV, most in the Fox Television Stations Group. Hosted by Mike Jerrick and Juliet Huddy, the program consisted of celebrity interviews, audience participation, and segments relating to viewers. The last live show aired on June 12, 2009, with reruns continuing through until September 2009.
Reliable Sources is a weekly show on CNN, focusing on analysis of the American news media. It was initially created to cover the media's coverage of the Persian Gulf War, but has since also covered the media's coverage of the Valerie Plame affair, the War in Iraq, the outing of Mark Felt as Deep Throat, and many other events and internal media stories. From 1992 to 2009, it was broadcast as a stand-alone program, but on January 18, 2009, Reliable Sources became a segment during CNN's new Sunday morning political program State of the Union with John King, although it remained hosted by Kurtz and retained its timeslot. In January 2010, after John King left the show, Reliable Sources was re-spun off as its own show, moving back one hour in the process.
The Home and Family Show is an American talk and home information show that was first shown on the Family Channel on April 1, 1996. The original hosts were Cristina Ferrare and Chuck Woolery. Woolery had to leave the show in September, 1996, to have heart surgery. He was replaced by Michael Burger.The show was an unusual chat show with many regular guest and segments. The set was housed in a small studio designed to look like a house, which was built in an out-of-the-way corner of the Universal Studios backlot. This first incarnation of the show was cancelled on August 14, 1998 due with News Corporation buying The Family Channel and turned it into Fox Family Channel.
The series was revived on October 1, 2012, this time for The Hallmark Channel. Coming from the same stage as the original series, this incarnation of the show was at first co-hosted by Mark Steines and Paige Davis. After 6 weeks, Davis left the show, and taped her final episode November 15, 2012, which aired the next day. She was replaced by the co-ho