The RuPaul Show is an American talk/variety show that premiered on VH1 in 1996. Hosted by drag performer, RuPaul, the show had many famous musical guests and was notable as being one of the first national television programs in the United States hosted by an openly gay host. Former singer turned radio personality, Michelle Visage was the show's co-host.
Lavezzi Rutjes looking for The Mole. Every week he speaks in the studio about the episode. The missions and the behavior of the candidates. Does Lavezzi succeed to find that one question?
Synopsis: In this program, actors and well-known figures in groups of four invite their friends to their homes for dinner and a friendly gathering. The host tries to surprise his guests by performing a special program or inviting another guest. At the end of each night, guests give points to their host for dinner and reception. At the end of four nights, one person will be chosen as the best host...
The McLaughlin Group is a syndicated half-hour weekly public affairs television program in the United States, where a group of five pundits discuss current political issues in a round table format. It has been broadcast since 1982, and is currently sponsored by MetLife. Previous underwriters included: Pfizer, the New York Stock Exchange, and GE.