Tomorrow is an American late-night television talk show hosted by Tom Snyder. The show aired on NBC from 1973 to 1982 and featured many prominent guests, including Paul McCartney, "Weird Al" Yankovic, Ayn Rand, John Lennon, Jerry Garcia, the Grateful Dead, Ken Kesey, Charles Manson, The Clash, Johnny Rotten, Ramones, and U2. Los Angeles news anchor Kelly Lange, a good friend of Snyder, was the regular substitute guest host.
Fox & Friends is an early-morning opinion talk show that begins at 6:00 a.m. Eastern Time with the latest Fox News Live headlines and news of the morning. It continues with a variety of segments including interviews, updates of news stories with correspondents, analysis from the hosts, and entertainment segments. The show has a list of regular contributors, including Dr. Manny Alvarez, presenting his health segments "Ask Dr. Manny" and "Dr. Manny's Healthbeat."
Leeza is an NBC and syndicated daytime television talk show. It premiered on June 14, 1993 as John & Leeza from Hollywood, hosted by John Tesh and Leeza Gibbons. Tesh left the show after seven months, and on January 17, 1994, the program was retitled Leeza, and Gibbons became the sole host remaining in that capacity throughout the remainder of its run.
The show ran on NBC between 1993 and 1999, showing on other stations in markets where the local NBC affiliate pre-empted it in favor of other programming, and then aired as a syndicated program from 1999-2000. It was taped at Paramount Studios on Melrose Avenue in Hollywood, California, and was produced by Gibbons' production company and Paramount Television.
Gibbons was also a hands-on executive producer in addition to host of the show, involved in every aspect from selecting show topics to finding guests. Each week, Gibbons worked with her team to track stories and to bring the audience new, in-depth and real perspective on the issues of the time.
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These lectures offer a coherent and beautifully articulated introduction to the great philosophic conversation of the ages. They cover an enormous range of seminal thinkers and perspectives, but always from the vantage point of the enduring questions: What can we know? How ought we to act? How should we order our life together?
Acclaimed comedian and master carpenter Adam Carolla builds stuff with some of his big name Hollywood friends. He also tackles home improvement projects via social media, making us laugh the whole way. Since the show is live, anything could happen.
Reverend Al Sharpton leads a lively weekly discussion, drawing from over 40 years of experience as a community leader, politician, minister, and advocate. A champion for justice, fairness and equality, Sharpton shares his unique take on news and issues.