"The Dini Petty Show," a Canadian daytime TV talk show aired from 1989 to 1999 on Baton Broadcasting System-affiliated stations, originating from Toronto's CFTO-TV, the BBS flagship station. Hosted by Dini Petty, it combined lifestyle features and interviews with celebrities. Petty, a Toronto-based host, moved from CITY-TV's CityLine to lead the show. Directed by Randy Gulliver, it captured 1990s Canadian pop culture with diverse interviews, undergoing redevelopment in late 1994. By 1999, Petty opted to film only intro/outro segments, airing repackaged retrospective content instead of new material. In 2000, Dini Petty's contract with CTV concluded, prompting a legal resolution that granted her ownership of the original broadcast tapes from The Dini Petty Show. Her decision to donate these tapes to the Clara Thomas Archives & Special Collections at York University occurred in 2010.
A group of humorists, comedians, artists, sitting around a table to comment on news, facts, curiosities of the day. At the head of the table Riccardo Rossi, conductor, moderator, referee, prompter.
The Suze Orman Show helps people make the connection between self worth and net worth. In a format that's fast-paced, down-to-earth and entertaining, Suze Orman candidly tells her audience the truth about money so viewers can change the course of their financial destiny — to have more and be more. They will also gain Orman's insight on how to protect themselves financially, resulting in personal empowerment that's exemplified in their bank accounts.
In this program, a female partner answered questions submitted on Mino's behalf by celebrities with whom Mino had a close relationship, viewers, and announcers from YTV, the producing station. Mino answered the questions as he saw fit, drawing on the knowledge and experience he had gained in nearly 60 years as an announcer.