8th Fire: Aboriginal Peoples, Canada & the Way Forward is a Canadian broadcast documentary series, which aired in 2012. Featuring television, radio and web broadcasting components, the series focused on the changing nature of Canada's relationship with its First Nations communities.
The television component aired as a four-part documentary series hosted by Wab Kinew as part of CBC Television's Doc Zone, while radio programming devoted to First Nations themes aired on a variety of CBC Radio series and the web component included content from a variety of contributors, including news coverage by other CBC News reporters and a series of short films by 20 First Nations, Inuit and Métis reporters and filmmakers.
The series was a shortlisted nominee for the Donald Brittain Award for Best Social/Political Documentary Program, and for Best Cross-Platform Project, Non-Fiction, at the 2013 Canadian Screen Awards.
Sawako no Asa (Sawako's Morning) is a witty talk show hosted by Sawako Agawa – a brilliant conversationalist who talks about a variety of topics with a multitude of celebrities.
Justice is the first Harvard course to be made freely available online and on public television. In this 12-part series, college professor Michael Sandel challenges us with hard moral dilemmas and invites us to ponder the right thing to do-in politics and in our everyday lives.