Mollywood Selfie is a humorous Malayalam chat show on Asianet Plus, in which an anchor, along with two comedians, interviews a superstar to unveil his lighter side!
The 4:30 Movie was a television program that aired weekday afternoons on WABC-TV in New York from 1968 to 1981. The program was mainly known for individual theme weeks devoted to theatrical feature films or made-for-TV movies starring a certain actor or actress, or to a particular genre, or to films that spawned sequels. The more popular episodes were "Monster Week," "Planet of the Apes Week" and "Vincent Price Week." Some films, such as Ben-Hur and How the West Was Won, were of such length that an entire week was devoted to running the whole movie. Other films that ran longer than the program's 90-minute length were often divided into two parts and shown over two days.
Variations of The 4:30 Movie were aired on other stations around the United States, most notably those also owned and operated by WABC-TV's parent network, ABC.
Spotlighting in-depth, long-form conversations between Ferriss and world-class performers, focusing on how they've overcome fears, made hard decisions, and won at the highest levels imaginable. From icons to lesser-known phenoms, the show will uncover tactics and strategies that work in the real world.