The Jay Leno Show is an American comedy show created by and starring Jay Leno, that aired at 10 p.m. from September 14, 2009 to February 9, 2010 on NBC, after Leno's initial retirement from hosting The Tonight Show with Jay Leno. In January 2010, NBC announced that due to affiliate concerns about its effect on their newscasts, The Jay Leno Show would be shortened to 30 minutes and moved from primetime to 11:35 p.m., the timeslot that had been occupied by The Tonight Show for nearly 60 years.
The Tonight Show host Conan O'Brien released a public statement saying that he would not participate in moving Tonight to 12:05 a.m., asserting that it would damage the highly respected franchise. Despite much support for O'Brien from both the public and media professionals alike NBC maintained its plan to move Leno to 11:35. On January 21, 2010, NBC reached a $45 million settlement with O'Brien in order to end his contract. Leno resumed his duties as host of Tonight on March 1, 2010. Leno ended on February 9, 2010 after being
Antikrundan is the Swedish version of the original BBC format Antiques Roadshow. The show visits different locations in Sweden and lets people bring their antiques to be valued by experts. It remains popular and often has more than 2 million viewers. The 19th season was shown in 2009. Most of the experts have been with the programme since the start. Jesper Aspegren was the original host. He left in 1999 and was succeeded by Anne Lundberg.
Antikrundan started out as a coproduction between SVT Malmö and the BBC where the Antiques Roadshow would visit Scandinavia for two programmes. Antikrundan premiered in August 1989 on TV2 and has since been shown on SVT every year. Antiques Roadshow is shown on BBC Lifestyle and TV8 in Sweden.
A talk show in which experts from a variety of specialty fields are invited to introduce a surprising and "deep" world unbeknownst to MC Matsuko and viewers.
The hardest-hitting team of analysts in sports delivers expert insight, exclusive commentary and special on and off the field features you won't find anywhere else. Inside the NFL brings you the sights, sounds and spectacle of the NFL in all its glory, including exciting player profiles, interviews, and intense, moment-by-moment game footage. Every team. Every game. Every week.
The most important events of the day, with a relaxed tone and high doses of humor. Each episode tackles the most relevant events that dominate the public eye, with guests who contribute their views on the matter.
There is a wedding hall next to Mr. Tahmasb's new house, to which he has recently moved. So new puppet characters, most of whom are the staff of this wedding hall, are added to his life and figure out interesting events.
South Korean variety show where the cast and their special guests battle it out through a karaoke singing competition, the winning performers are rewarded with the ingredients needed to make late night snacks.
Achikochi Audrey is a variety show lead by the comedic duo Audrey. Every week, different guests are invited to the show to consult with Audrey on whatever troubles they have been facing recently.
¿Quién es la máscara? (Spanish for Who is the Mask?) is a Mexican talent reality television series produced by Televisa and Endemol Shine Group. It is based on the South Korean television show King of Mask Singer created by Seo Chang-man.