The show's main protagonist is the 5-year-old title character Chico-chan. An actor wears a costume with an oversize head to portray her, while the broadcasts show her face in 3D computer graphics, which allows for a variety of outrageous expressions and effects. Accompanied by comedian Takashi Okamura, the show features Chico-chan asking Okamura and others simple questions, such as "Why do people wave their hands when they say goodbye?" If they cannot answer properly, she spits out her sarcastic signature phrase, "Botto ikiten ja ne-yo!" (Don't sleep through life!) Yuichi Kimura provides the voice of Chico-chan.
Sam Jam is a happy and fun-filled talk show hosted by our favorite actress Samantha in her style. This show features celebrity interviews, fun games, spotlights some inspiring real-life stories and talent, and indulges in philanthropy activities.
"Circle House" is a healing talk show that candidly shares realistic concerns experienced by the MZ generation in Korea and seeks solutions with applicants.
At the Movies is a movie review television program produced by Disney-ABC Domestic Television in which two film critics shared their opinions of newly released films. The program aired under various names. Its original hosts were Roger Ebert of the Chicago Sun-Times and WLS-TV and Gene Siskel of the Chicago Tribune and WBBM-TV. Richard Roeper of the Sun-Times became Ebert's regular partner in 2000 after Siskel died in 1999.
Hosted by Rove McManus, this comedy panel game show features two teams captained by acclaimed actor Jane Harber and comedy star Joel Creasey who compete in a series of movie trivia rounds.
The official Sidemen podcast. This is an uncensored and laid back place where we can talk about anything and everything. Episodes come out once a week.